Aarhus Universitets segl

Cognitive science

On this page you will find a selection of resources concerning Cognitive Science. You are welcome to contact us in case you need help, or if you have suggestions for additional information for the page.

Reference Works

  • International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences
    This encyclopedia covers anthropology, demography, ethnology, economy, political science, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, gender studies and media studies. .
  • Encyclopedia of Social Measurement
    The Encyclopedia of Social Measurement excellently covers and integrates both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social science and social measurement. 
  • The Routledge Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Anthropology
    Comprehensive encyclopedia concerning the most essential ideas and topics within the anthropological field. 

  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
    The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) covers all the central areas of philosophy. The database is continuously updated by specialists within the field. All articles are peer-reviewed.
  • Routledge Encyclopedia of Linguistics
    An A-Z reference of people, places, themes, and terms important to linguistics
  • International Encyclopedia of Communication
    In this encyclopedia, you can find definitions of central concepts within the field of communication science as well as references to further reading on the topic.  .
  • The Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics
    A comprehensive and accessible reference work to research in contemporary cognitive linguistics. Written by leading figures in the field, the volume provides an authoritative overview of methods, current research topics and future directions. The volume covers all the most important issues, concepts, movements and approaches in the field.
  • Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics
    ELL2 is the largest linguistic encyclopedia. Contains overview articles with matching reference lists about all language scientific topics, disciplines and technical terms.
  • Kvalitative Metoder: En Grundbog (In Danish) Edited by Svend Brinkmann and Lene Tanggaard (More editions)
    Danish reference work covering various aspects of qualitative studies. Contributions from leading, Danish experts in the field.


  • PsycInfo
    International database. Contains references to psychological publications as well as publications dealing with psychological aspects in disciplines such as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, anthropology, economy and law. 
  • Anthropology Plus
    The most comprehensive bibliography within the fields of anthropology and archaeology. Covers the period from the end of the 19th century up until today. All the core journals are included as well as a range of other lesser-known publications from around the world.
  • PubMed
    The single most important resource within the research area of health. Covers topics such as medicine, molecular biology, natural science, odontology, biology, public health, nursing, sports, agricultural science, psychology and health science.   
  • Cinahl
    Database with full-text articles on topics such as health care, biomedicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nutrition. Through Cinahl, you can access journals, books, book sections, clinical guidelines, images etc.
  • Philosophers Index
    Indexes journal articles, books and research studies within the areas of philosophy, history of ideas, ethics, epistemology, metaphysics, logic, history of philosophy and other relevant disciplines.
  • Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
    LLBA is the largest linguistic bibliography. It contains references to language-scientific literature (journal articles, articles in books, books and more) about all linguistic topics and branches as well as all languages.

Article Databases

  • Research Library
    This reference database provides mostly full-text access to a wide range of scholarly journals in all fields. .
    Journal database with full-text access to the leading journals within all subject areas. Usually it is not possible to access the most recent 3-5 volumes, but it is possible to access publications before that.
  • Project Muse
    Journal database with full-text access to high quality journals within the humanities and social science. The database provides access to the most recent issues and sometimes to older issues (back issues) as well.


  • Language and Linguistics Compass
    An online-only journal publishing original, peer-reviewed surveys of current research from across the entire discipline e.g. cognitive science of language, pragmatics and semantics and sociolinguistics
  • Cognition
    The journal publishes both theoretical and experimental articles concerning cognitive science. It covers a wide variety of fields such as psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, computer science, mathematics, ethology and philosophy.


  • Oxford Scholarship Online/Linguistics
    OSO provides full-text access to a broad selection of books on linguistic topics published by the Oxford University Press from 2001 and forth.
  • Ebook Central
    E-book database covering all subject areas. The books, which are mainly in English, have been published through recognised publishers such as Blackwell, Brill, Oxford University Press, Springer and Wiley.
  • Cambridge Companions Online
    Online-versions of the acknowledged Cambridge Companions series meant for students. Contains good introductions to classical and central authors, artists, philosophers, topics and periods.


  • KorpusDK
    KorpusDK is a digital reference work providing insight into the Danish language, as well as showing how Danish has been used in common texts around the years of 1990 and 2000.
    CHILDES is a system for sharing and studying conversational interactions. It is the children’s language component of the TalkBank database. In TalkBank, hundreds of international researchers contribute with data on human communication with a focus on spoken communication.


  • The SAGE Glossary of the Social and Behavioral Sciences 
    A highly accessible reference work defining the major terms within social and behavioral sciences. Topics include anthropology, communication and media studies, criminal justice, economics, education, geography, human services, management, political science, psychology, and sociology. The glossary also considers the methodology within these fields.
  • APA Dictionary of Psychology edited by Gary Vanderbos (More editions)
    Dictionary created by the American Psychological Association. The dictionary covers areas such as neuroscience, psychopharmacology, lifespan developmental psychology, statistics and experimental design. It also features around 400 brief biographical entries on historical figures in psychology. 

  • Ordbogen.com
    Collection of dictionaries which contains Ordbogen.com and Gyldendals Ordbøger. The collection of dictionaries covers a large number of subject areas and languages. The list of all relevant dictionaries is obtained when you search a word.


Johanne Rübner Hansen



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