On this page you will find a selection of resources concerning English Business Communication. You are welcome to contact us in case you need help, or if you have suggestions for additional information for the page
Handbook of business communication [electronic resource]: linguistic approaches
Gerlinde Mautner 1963 -, Franz Rainer, C. A. Ross. 1 Edition. - 2017. e-bog
This handbook takes a linguistic approach to business communication, drawing together perspectives from various research traditions. The book deals with many genres and methods of communication, including negotiations, sales talk, websites, advertising, intercultural business communication, English as a lingua franca, metaphors, the language of marketing, organizational discourse, and corporate language.
Routledge international handbook of sustainable development [electronic resource]
M. R. Redclift, Delyse Springett. 2015. e-bog. This handbook gives a comprehensive, international and cutting-edge overview of Sustainable Development. The book discusses institutional, environmental, social and economic key imperatives of sustainable development, as well as social cohesion, justice, democracy, and the need for interdisciplinarity in the discourse.
The international encyclopedia of intercultural communication [electronic resource]
Young Yun Kim. 2018. e-bog. This encyclopedia addresses key aspects of intercultural communication theory and research. The encyclopedia focusses on areas such as cross-cultural communication, cultural communication, intergroup communication, intercultural training, and critical intercultural communication, including issues of ethnicity and race.
The international encyclopedia of strategic communication [electronic resource]
Robert L. Heath 1941-, Winni Johansen. 2018. e-bog. This encyclopedia captures the full scope of contemporary theory and practice in strategic communication. The book focusses on critique, integrating, and reengineering forms, structures, functions of, and purposes for external and internal communication of organizations within the four major areas of strategy, organization, management, and sociocultural impact.
Articles from leading journals within all subject areas. There is no access to publications from the last five years.
SAGE journals online
Database containing academic articles from the publisher Sage. With a broad coverage of the social sciences, including politics, sociology, economics, marketing, management, language and communication.
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