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Subject Guide for English Business Communication

On this page you will find a selection of resources concerning English Business Communication. You are welcome to contact us in case you need help, or if you have suggestions for additional information for the page

Reference Works

  • Case Study Research: Principles and Practices
    Provides a general understanding of the case study method as well as specific tools applicable in a variety of fields including anthropology, business and management, communications, economics, education, medicine, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.
  • Crisis Communication
    Introduces the reader to the most important concepts, models, theories and debates within the field of crisis communication. Topics include Image repair theory, Situational crisis communication theory, Contingency theory, Discourse of renewal, Visual crisis communication, Internal crisis communication, Crisis communication and organizational resilience, Communication strategies for supply chain crises, Reputational interdependence and spillover, Crisis and emergency risk communication, Crisis communication and social media, and Ethics in crisis communication
  • Handbook of business communication [electronic resource]: linguistic approaches
    Gerlinde Mautner 1963 -, Franz Rainer, C. A. Ross. 1 Edition. - 2017. e-bog
    This handbook takes a linguistic approach to business communication, drawing together perspectives from various research traditions. The book deals with many genres and methods of communication, including negotiations, sales talk, websites, advertising, intercultural business communication, English as a lingua franca, metaphors, the language of marketing, organizational discourse, and corporate language.

  • Handbook of Media Branding [electronic resource]
    Gabriele Siegert, Kati Förster, Sylvia M. Chan-Olmsted, Mart Ots, SpringerLink (Online service). 2015. e-bog. This handbook critically addresses current issues and achievements in the field of media branding. The book discusses media branding from different viewpoints, disciplines and research traditions with focus on current issues of media branding, such as society, content, management, audience, and advertising aspects of media brands.
  • Handbook of Strategic Communication
    Covers a range of strategic communication models, theories, and applications on the three core areas of public relations, marketing communication, and health communication. Topics include political communication, issues management, crisis and risk communication, environmental and science communication, public diplomacy, disaster management, and strategic communication for social movements and religious communities.
  • Handbook of Terminology
    Handbook on terminology (management), traditions, best practices, and methods to students, researchers, professionals and lecturers in terminology. Relevant to anyone with a professional or personal interest in terminology, translation, interpreting, localization, editing, etc., such as communication specialists, translators, scientists, editors, public servants, brand managers, engineers, and (intercultural) organization specialists.
  • Language for special purposes [electronic resource]: an international handbook
    J. Humbley, Gerhard Budin, Christer Laurén. 2018. e-bog. This handbook concerns language for special purposes in scientific and professional contexts. The book has a transdisciplinary orientation with focus on domains such as lexicography, terminology, technical communication, legal, economic and medical language, company and organization speak, including knowledge transfer and cross-cultural exchange.
  • Oxford Reference Online, where reference works on all subjects can be found.
  • Routledge international handbook of sustainable development [electronic resource]
    M. R. Redclift, Delyse Springett. 2015. e-bog. This handbook gives a comprehensive, international and cutting-edge overview of Sustainable Development. The book discusses institutional, environmental, social and economic key imperatives of sustainable development, as well as social cohesion, justice, democracy, and the need for interdisciplinarity in the discourse.

  • SAGE Handbook of Digital Society
    The book explores the relationship between digitisation, social organisation and social transformation at both the macro and micro level across the social sciences. The topics covered include machine learning, social media, surveillance, misinformation, digital labour, and beyond.
  • SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Analysis
    Covers general analytic strategies used in qualitative research as well as approaches specific to particular types of qualitative data, including talk, text, sounds, images and virtual data. The book includes traditional analytic strategies such as grounded theory, content analysis, hermeneutics, phenomenology, narrative analysis, as well as mixed methods, reanalysis and meta-analysis. Practical aspects such as sampling, transcription, working collaboratively, writing and implementation are given close attention, as are theory and theorization, reflexivity, and ethics.
  • SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Design
    This Handbook takes readers through the foundational theories, functions, strategies, and approaches to qualitative research design relating to Concepts of Designing Designs in Qualitative Research; Theories and Epistemological Contexts of Designing Qualitative Research; Elements of Designing Qualitative Research; Basic Designs and Research Strategies in Qualitative Research; Mixing Methods in Designing Qualitative Research; Designing Qualitative Research for Specific Kinds of Data; Designing Qualitative Online and Multimodal Research; Designing Qualitative Research for Specific Groups and Areas.
  • SAGE Handbook of Social Media Research Methods
    Spans the entire research process, from data collection to analysis and interpretation. It focusses on ethics, privacy and the politics of social media data, covering topics such as Data sources; Scraping and spidering data; Locative data, video data and linked data; Platform-specific analysis; Analytical tools; and Critical social media analysis.
  • SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods
    Presents a wide-ranging exploration of the field with key topics including videography, eye-tracking, digital storytelling, photovoice, visual semiotics, visual rhetorical analysis, multimodality, visual ethnography, picture-sorting techniques, creative methods using artefacts, visual framing analysis, therapeutic uses of images, and various emerging digital technologies and online practices.
  • SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Data Collection
    Covers new devices, technologies and online spaces that open up new ways for researchers to approach and collect images, moving images, text and talk. The book systematically explores the approaches, techniques, debates and new frontiers for creating, collecting, and producing qualitative data.
  • The international encyclopedia of intercultural communication [electronic resource]
    Young Yun Kim. 2018. e-bog. This encyclopedia addresses key aspects of intercultural communication theory and research. The encyclopedia focusses on areas such as cross-cultural communication, cultural communication, intergroup communication, intercultural training, and critical intercultural communication, including issues of ethnicity and race.

  • The international encyclopedia of strategic communication [electronic resource]
    Robert L. Heath 1941-, Winni Johansen. 2018. e-bog. This encyclopedia captures the full scope of contemporary theory and practice in strategic communication. The book focusses on critique, integrating, and reengineering forms, structures, functions of, and purposes for external and internal communication of organizations within the four major areas of strategy, organization, management, and sociocultural impact.


  • Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
    LLBA is the largest linguistic bibliography. It contains references to language-scientific literature (journal articles, articles in books, books and more) about all linguistic topics and branches as well as all languages.
  • ABI/INFORM Global
    Large article database covering a wide range of business topics; management, marketing, branding, consumer behaviour, business communication, social media, corporate culture, etc. Includes academic articles, articles from trade magazines.
  • Business Source Complete
    Large article database covering a wide range of business topics; management, marketing, branding, consumer behaviour, business communication, social media, corporate culture, etc. Includes academic articles, articles from trade magazines and business reports.
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMC)
    Database containing academic articles, on communication, communication studies and mass media.
  • MLA International Bibliography
    References to articles and books within literature- and language studies. Usually the articles are available in full-text. Covers European, Asian, American and Africa languages and literary fields.

Article Databases

  • Emerald
    Smaller database containing academic articles from the publisher Emerald. Covering such areas as management, marketing, branding, consumer behaviour, business communication, social media and corporate culture.
    Articles from leading journals within all subject areas. There is no access to publications from the last five years.

  • SAGE journals online
    Database containing academic articles from the publisher Sage. With a broad coverage of the social sciences, including politics, sociology, economics, marketing, management, language and communication.

  • Science Direct
    Smaller database containing academic articles and e-books published by Elsevier. Covering such areas as management, marketing, branding, consumer behaviour, business communication, social media and corporate culture.

E Books and Text Archives


  • Oxford English Dictionary
    The OED is the largest and most updated dictionary of its kind. In a historical perspective the dictionary provides information about the meaning of a word as well as its development through quotes from many different periods, texts and genres. Covers the entire English speaking world.
  • Oxford Reference Online
    E-books database containing a large collection of acknowledged reference works and dictionaries within the English language as well as English-French, Spanish, German, Italian, Latin, Irish and Welsh dictionaries. Also contains a collection of quotes, illustrations, maps and historical timelines.
  • Ordbogen.com
    Collection of dictionaries which contains Ordbogen.com and Gyldendals Ordbøger. The collection of dictionaries covers a large number of subject areas and languages. The list of all relevant dictionaries is obtained when you search a word. Covering such areas as trade, technology, IT, law, accounting and finance.
  • Regnskabsordbøgerne
    The accounting dictionaries. Danish, Danish-English, English and English-Danish. Access via Ordbogen.com

Market Information

  • Marketline
    Portal containing information about companies, industries, finance, products and countries. Includes Industry Profiles, Consumer markets Database, SWOT Analyses, and Country profiles.
  • Passport
    Passport (formerly GMID - Global Market Information Database) from Euromonitor provides information on demographics, economics, consumption and market conditions. Here, you can find product/consumer statistics, lifestyle reports, market reports and company reports.
  • World Advertising Research Center (WARC)
    Portal containing various analyses, reports, news, articles and case studies within the business communication field - e.g. marketing, branding, consumer behaviour, etc. The data is, in many cases, evidence-based and may originate, for example, from ESOMAR or Advertising Research Center.
  • Orbis
    Company database comprising information about more than 550 million companies worldwide, including Danish companies. The database also covers the banking and insurance sectors.

Newspaper and Media

  • Børsen
    Internet version of the newspaper with access to archives. Search daily newspaper Børsen's full-text articles published since June 21, 1996.
  • The Economist
  • Factiva
    Dow Jones Factiva is a unique database combining global news with first-class company information. The page is good for both global news search and search for marked and company information. Only 5 users have access simultaneously.
  • Financial Times
  • Infomedia
    Access to all Danish national and local daily newspapers as well as a selection of local weekly newspapers. In addition, access to individual Danish journals/trade magazines and web sources.

Academic Practice

Translation and Interpreting

  • Cambridge Handbook of Translation
    This Handbook offers an accessible and authoritative account of the many facets of translation, intended for students, teachers and scholars of translation studies, modern languages, linguistics, social studies and literary studies.
  • Handbook of Translation Studies (HTS)
    HTS is an extensive reference work in the research field of translation and interpretation covering topics such as translation theory and history, intercultural communication, adaptation, interpretation and terminology.
  • Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies
    The reference work gives a detailed overview of translation studies and reflects the interdisciplinary diversity. The articles are all written by leading specialists in the area and besides traditional topics such as equivalence, translation strategies and new translations it also covers areas such as censorship, publication, semiotics, sociology and cultural studies.
  • Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Technology
    Provides a state-of-the-art survey of the field of computer-assisted translation, including general issues in translation technology, translator training, and various aspects of machine translation, evaluation of specific matters in translation technology such as alignment, concordancing, localization, online translation, and translation memory.
  • The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication
    This reference work provides a comprehensive introduction to the multidisciplinary field of intercultural communication
  • Translation Studies Bibliography
    TSB indexes publications that are relevant to lexicography, translation and interpreting.




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