Kindlers Literatur Lexicon
The classical Encyclopedia about world literature (in German). Helmut Kindler produced the first edition 1965-72, the second edition came out 1988-92 (by Walter Hens), and the third edition is now available in printed version and online. It is possible to search for authors, works, and literary information.
Oxford Handbooks Online
OHO is a collection of reference works written by leading scholars. Will be updated continuously. There is access to Business & Management, Economic and Finance, Law, Literature, Political Science, Psychology og Religion. Please note that there is not always access to all volumes of a specific reference work. Search tips: Guided Tour
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature
The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature (ORE) encompasses a wide range of literary topics from all over the world: literature from Africa, Asia, England, Ireland, North America and Western Europe as well as topics such as children's literature, cultural studies, poetry, drama, film, media, literary concepts, comparative literature, etc. All articles are peer-reviewed and written by literary experts. Contains literature references for further reading.
This article database gives full-text access to articles and references to articles in Norwegian and Nordic scholarly journals and yearbooks from 1980 – 2020. The database is no longer updated.
NORA Research Portal Denmark
NORA is a gateway to the national research infrastructure. The portal is under construction, but the project is aimed at collecting and organising data on Danish research as well as building up public user services. New data and features will be added on an ongoing basis. Note: The start date for research data is 2011.
Swedish-Danish Dictionarie
The online version is an expanded version of the printed dictionary. It covers common Swedish vocabulary, commonly used technical expressions and everyday language. In addition, it marks words that are similar but mean something very different in Swedish and Danish, the so-called "false friends".