Aarhus University Seal

Subject guide for Electrical and Computer Engineering

On this page you will find a selection of resources within the fields of electrical and computer engineering. You are welcome to contact us at AU Library, Katrinebjerg and AU Library, Birk Centerpark if you need help. 

Article databases

A collection of sources where you can get access to online articles in journals.

See article databases

  • Engineering Village - Compendex
    Articles covering all engineering fields. Some articles are online, others can be ordered from the library.
  • ACM Digital Library
    ACM Digital Library consists of two separate databases which cannot be searched simultaneously.
    ACM Digital Library - journals published by ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) since 1947, with full-text access, as well as Guide to Computing Literature - a bibliography with references and abstracts of articles, conference contributions, etc., from both ACM and a wide range of other publishers. Not everything can be found in full-text, but the majority of the journal articles are available in full, either via a link to a PDF or DOI.
  • ScienceDirect
    Full-text articles from 1995 and onward from Elsevier. Covers all topics, but you have the possibility of limiting your search to engineering subjects. You can order copies of articles from before 1995 at the library.
  • IEEE / IET Electronic Library (IEL)
    Articles within electrical engineering, electronics, ICT, computer science, computing and more. IEEE also includes all valid AIEE, ANSI and ANSI/IEEE standards.
  • Web of Science
    Web of Science (WoS) is an article database and citation index with references to articles covering all subjects.
  • Scopus
    Article database and citation index covering all subjects. The Scopus research database indexes more journals than any other database. Some articles are online, others can be ordered from the library.
  • Google Scholar 
    E-books, e-journals, theses, preprints, patents and reports. In addition, references to articles, books and theses. Google Scholar covers all topics, but please note that you are searching through material of very mixed quality, of which much is not published in a scientific publication.
  • SpringerLink
    Articles in full text from 1995 onwards, as well as references to articles. SpringerLink covers all topics. Access via AU network or VPN.

Reference works

A reference work contains systematically arranged information about words or concepts within a certain area. See a selection of reference works where you can find descriptions of academically relevant concepts.

See reference works

  • A Dictionary of Computing
    A reference work with more than 6,000 entries on theories, software, IT, etc.
  • A Dictionary of the Internet
    More than 4,000 entries on terms related to the Internet: software, infrastructure, jargon, e-commerce, etc.
  • A Dictionary of Statistics
    Covers all topics within the field of statistics, including terms used in computing, mathematics, operational research, and probability, as well as biographical information and coverage of statistical journals and societies.
  • Wikibooks: Computer science bookshelf
    Deals with the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems.
  • Ordbogen.com
    Collection of dictionaries which contains Ordbogen.com and Gyldendals Ordbøger. The collection of dictionaries covers a large number of subject areas and languages. The list of all relevant dictionaries is obtained when you search a word.


Standards lay down common rules for basic guidelines, methods and constructions. They can, for example, set requirements for a product's performance or describe technical terms in a given area.


Patents and patent applications from around the world and information on patent rights.

See patents

  • Derwent Innovations Index
    Provides access to more than 14,800,000 patents with links to cited and citing patents, cited articles, and full-text patent data sources. Access for students and employees at Aarhus University
  • Esp@cnet 
    Free patent information on the internet
  • Google Patents
    Patents and patent applications from all over the world
  • USPTO Patents Database 
    Web site for searching, viewing, and analyzing patent documents. Free access to a wide variety of data collections and patent information
  • Information (and links) on patents 
    Information on Europeen and US patents

Rules and regulations

Guidelines, regulations and legislation, etc. within the area.

See rules and regulations

  • Arbejdstilsynet
    Danish Working Environment Authority guidelines, legislation (i.e. regulations, circulars, directives, judgments, etc.) and technical regulations in full text. - In Danish
  • Danish Safety Technology Authority
    The Electrical Safety Act, gas regulations and electricity notices in full text.

Semester shelves

Books and articles recommended by the teacher. For use in the library and cannot be taken home.

See semester shelves

Other libraries

You will find materials from other Danish libraries here.

Other libraries

  • Bibliotek.dk 
    Search all Danish libraries' materials. You can order the materials for collection at your local public library directly in Bibliotek.dk. You only need to be registered as a borrower at the public library in question.
    If you find materials in Bibliotek.dk that you would rather order through AU Library, you can order them here: Order from other libraries.

Libraries within your field of study

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