Aarhus University Seal

Subject guide for Business Development & Technology

In this subject guide, you will find relevant resources for the studies in Economics and Business Administration (HA), Business Development Engineering (BDE), Global Management and Manufacturing (GMM) as well as IT, Communication, and Organization (ITKO) at AU Herning.

You are very welcome to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions for additional information for the page.

Article databases

Scientific articles, books, and other research publications.

See article databases

  • Scopus
    A large citation and article database that covers all fields. A good place to start when you need an overview of the research literature on a topic.
  • Web of Science
    Similarly, a large citation and article database that covers all fields. A good place to start when you need an overview of the research literature on a topic.
  • Business Source Complete
    A central business economics article database with full-text articles. Covers all areas of business including marketing, production management, and market information.
  • Engineering Village
    A central engineering database that gathers research in areas such as building technology, computer science, electrical engineering, electronics, production technology, and mechatronics. Contains articles, theses, conference proceedings, technical standards, reports, and more.
  • ABI/Inform
    A large article database with full-text articles. Covers business topics broadly, e.g., management, marketing, branding, consumer behavior, business communication, social media, and corporate culture. Includes scholarly articles and articles from trade journals.
  • ACM Digital Library
    Full-text articles and conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The database covers areas including computer science, electronics, electrical engineering, mechatronics, ICT, graphics, multimedia, software, and programming.
  • IEEE Xplore
    Full-text articles, books, and conference proceedings from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Covers areas including electrical engineering, electronics, ICT, computer science, and much more. Also includes all applicable AIEE, ANSI, and ANSI/IEEE standards.
  • Emerald Insight
    Full-text articles and books from Emerald Publishing. Covers areas including management, economics, information science, engineering, organization theory, and marketing.

Company databases

Detailed company data and information on mergers and acquisitions.

See company databases

  • Orbis
    A company database providing access to detailed information on accounting, ownership, and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in international companies. Very advanced search and export options.
  • Zephyr
    ZEPHYR covers information on mergers and acquisitions (M&A), IPOs, and venture capital with links to detailed financial company information.

Market information

Detailed information on and analyses of market conditions.

See sources for market information

Product information

Detailed information about products and patents.

See sources for product information

  • Derwent Innovations Index
    Processed, value-added patent information from Thomson Scientific. The database covers more than 40 countries from 1963 onwards.
  • Espacenet
    The European Patent Office's database. The database covers globally from 1782 onwards.
  • Kompass
    Information about international companies with a focus on detailed product information.


Detailed national and international statistics.

See sources for statistics


Official specifications, requirements, and guidelines for engineers and manufacturers.

See standards


Danish and foreign newspapers.

See newspapers

  • Factiva
    Dow Jones Factiva is a unique database that combines extensive global news with market and company information.
    Note: Use of data mining, text mining, or trend analysis features is not permitted.
  • Infomedia
    Access to all Danish nationwide and local daily newspapers as well as a selection of local weekly newspapers. Additionally, access to certain Danish trade magazines.
    Note: Infomedia's material may not be downloaded, printed, stored, redistributed outside of Infomedia's systems, or harvested via automated procedures or software.
  • Børsen studienet+
    Access to all articles from borsen.dk from 1932 onwards. There is also archival access to Børsen Management Handbooks as well as the specialized media Børsen Pro Finans, Selvstændig, International, and Investor.

Useful links

See useful links

  • IATE
    In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology, abbreviations, and expressions as well as terms from various fields such as law, agriculture, information technology, and many others.
  • International statistics
    Overview of international organizations and statistical agencies.
  • McKinsey & Company
    McKinsey & Company’s website where you can find articles with the latest knowledge, including in business development.
  • Portal for official statistics
    Overview of publicly produced statistics that are not registered under the official statistics scheme, i.e., Statistics Denmark.
  • Proff.dk
    Free business database with summary information about Danish companies.
  • CVR - Central Business Register
    Information about all registered companies in Denmark and Greenland, including annual reports, industry, and ownership conditions.

Libraries within your field of study

Liaison librarians

Eva Krause Jørgensen

Information Specialist

Steffan Mulle Markussen

Information Specialist

Semester shelf

You can view books from your syllabus list on the library's semester shelf.  You cannot borrow the books, but you can use them in the library, and you have the option of taking copies according to the applicable regulations.

See all titles on the semester shelf.

BSS Datalab

Get help with working with data in your subject or assignment. Whether you are working with financial data, interviews, API calls, or something entirely different, we are ready to assist you. For example, get help with building datasets, Excel, Nvivo, R, Python, and other tools.

Materials library 

At AU Library, Birk Centerpark you can find a library of materials. A collection of selected, different physical materials. For example, different types of plastic, metal and sustainable materials.