Aarhus University Seal


  • A unique and persistent digital identifier for researchers

What is an ORCID iD?

ORCID is a non-profit organisation which, among other things, provides researchers with an ORCID iD. An ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a persistent digital identifier.

Aarhus University encourages all its researchers to get an ORCID iD, but it is not obligatory.

Read more at ORCID.org.

Why register for an ORCID iD?


  • gathers your publications, even if they are published under variations of your name  
  • links all your research activities, increasing your discoverability and recognition  
  • follows you throughout your entire career, even though you change jobs
  • enables you to automatically transfer your publications from Pure
  • can be linked to applications for funding, thereby avoiding the need to send all your information every time

Create and synchronise your ORCID iD

Use your ORCID iD

Use your ORCID iD in your auto signature, your Pure profile and your AU profile as well as for quick registration when submitting applications for funding.

This ensures that your research is discoverable and that you are recognised for it.

Share your ORCID iD

Other researcher ID

You can transfer data to your ORCID iD from other researcher ID such as ResearcherID and Scopus Author Identifier.

Researcher ID

ResearcherID is a researcher ID from Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thomson Reuters) and an integral part of the Web of Science database. Therefore, an up-to-date ResearcherID is also an updated author profile in the Web of Science, and makes it easier to identify your publications and calculate your h-index (Hirsch index). It is possible to connect ResearcherID and the ORCID iD and transfer data to your ORCID.

Scopus Author Identifier

Scopus Author Identifier is your author profile in the database Scopus and an integral part of the database. It is a good idea to ensure that your author profile is up to date, as it makes it easier to identify your publications and calculate your h-index.

It is possible to connect Scopus Author Identifier  with ORCID iD and transfer data to your ORCID.

Europe PubMed Central

A new Europe PMC tool has been developed to allow authors to select and export their articles to ORCID, creating or enhancing their bibliographies. The tool follows a simple three-step process to select publications, review and then export them to ORCID. Read more about transferring data from Europe PubMed Central.

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the liaison librarian associated with your field, who will be happy to assist you with your questions.

Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact your local library in AU Library.

Questions for the ORCID service?

Contact us at ORCID.aul@kb.dk if you have technical questions or questions for the ORCID service which do not concern your own ORCID iD.

What is ORCID?

Lost your ORCID credentials?