Aarhus University Seal

Semester literature when you are teaching

AU Library can help you obtain copies of the semester literature so that it can be made available to your students. Either by adding it to the permanent collection at one of our libraries or by placing it on a semester shelf.

We are also happy to assist you in teaching your students how they can find their semester literature by themselves.

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the liaison librarian associated with your field, who will be happy to assist you with your questions.

Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact your local library.  

Reading List Services at AU Library

How to get material placed on a semester shelf

The library can assist you by making copies of the books, that you want to use in your teaching, available via AU Library. Either on the semester shelf for that subject/department - or for inclusion in the library's main collection. 

Leganto Reading List

As a teacher at Aarhus University you can use the tool Leganto Reading List to create and organize your reading lists.
You can access the tool from inside your course room in Brightspace.

Reading List Service - Aarhus BSS

As a lecturer at Aarhus BSS the library offers help with your reading lists.

Contact your liaison librarian to hear more about the options you can make use of.

Use Brightspace

When planning your teaching, you also have the possibility of using Brightspace for sharing articles and other semester literature. See how to comply with our licenses and copyright rules.

Order a course in information searching for your students

Students may find it difficult to find the literature that you, as a lecturer, have listed as part of the course catalogue/literature list. AU Library are, at your request, ready to come and teach your class how to get access to the literature through the library.


Copyright can be tricky when it comes to teaching. Read more about copyright and the use of various resources.