Aarhus University Seal

Leganto Reading List

  • Step-by-step guide to the tool called Leganto Reading List

As an employee at Aarhus University you can use the tool Leganto Reading List to manage your course literature in a reading list.
You can access the tool from inside your course room in Brightspace.

With Leganto Reading List you can give your students access to more uniform lists containing references with links to physical and electronic materials etc. from the Royal Danish Library.  Leganto Reading Lists can easily be transferred from year to year, semester to semester, course to course and the can also be adjusted.

  • With Leganto Reading List you can easily add materials from the Royal Danish Library - via the library system
  • You can upload scanned files so that they appear together with the other course literature
  • You can link to other material from the internet, e.g. videos on YouTube, various websites, etc.

1. Activate the tool Leganto Reading List in your course room in Brightspace

  • Log in to Brightspace
  • Go to your course/course room
  • Go to Content
  • Create a Unit wherein you can place the tool Leganto Reading List - if you do not already have a unit for the purpose
  • Go to Add Existing:
  • Choose External Tool Activity
  • Find the tool Leganto Reading List and insert it: 

Now you have added the tool Leganto Reading List to a unit in your menu on the left in your course/course room in Brightspace:

  • Go to settings - the three little dots - select Edit
  • Go to Display Options - select Open in a new tab (recommended)
  • Click Save and Close:
  • You are now ready to create a reading list in the tool Leganto Reading LIst or reuse one of your previous lists.

2a. Create a new reading list from scratch

  • Open the tool Leganto Reading List in the unit where you inserted the tool
  • Choose Create a new list from scratch abd click Create new list 
  • If necessary, rename the title of your reading list i the field called List name
  • If relevant, put in a description in the field called List description
  • Associate your reading list to your Brighspace course - Add list to course.
    The tool will default show the name of the course you are about to create a new readling list to
  • Choose a template for your list
  • The default template is a reading list with only one section with a heading
  • You can choose between various templates with a number of pre-defined headings - DefaultLessons, Priority, TopicsWeeks
  • Click Create list
  • You can always add, remove, rename sections in all templates
  • Now you are ready to create a reading list or reuse one of your already existing reading list.


2b. Copy an existing Leganto Reading list

Copy one of your already existing reading lists and reuse the content

You can easily copy and reuse one of your already existing Leganto Reading lists.

  • Find the list you want to copy
  • Click Copy list:

Edit your reading list

Remove citations

  • Find the citation you want to remove
  • Click on the three small dots to the right of the citation
  • Choose Delete item:

Add citations from one of your already existing reading lists

  • Find the reading list from where you want to copy a citation
  • Click on the three small dots to the right of the citation you want to copy
  • Choose Copy Item 
  • Choose which reading list to copy the citation to - and to which section in this reading list
  • Choose Copy

3. Add citations to your reading list

You can add citations to your reading list in several different ways:

Add citations from the library system at Det Kgl. Bibliotek / The Royal Danish Library

Add citations and material from the internet - use the tool called Cite It!

Cite It! is a bookmarklet you can add to your browser.

When you are browsing a website Cite It! enables you to add the resource on the current page you are viewing as a citation to a reading list in Leganto.

Add citations using the search function within the tool Leganto Reading List

Add sources directly from within the interface of the tool Leganto Reading List via the search function: https://youtu.be/n3lPSDADwX8 (02:42).

  • In the video you are told that physical items (books) are handled by the library. However, this depends on the service your local university library offers when it comes to semester literature
  • If you already know that you university library does not offer any service regarding semester literature you will see the note/citation status Being Prepared linked to each citation
  • This is an internal note/status which you as a lecturer and library staff can only see. Your students do not see this citation status

Add citations from EndNote

You can import citations from EndNote to your reading list.

  • Select RIS as File type
  • Drag and drop the RIS file which you have on your computer in to your reading list. Or browse for the file:
  • Import the citations from your RIS file that are relevant for your reading list
  • You will se all the citations that the RIS file holds. You can remove citations that you do not want in your reading list
  • Select which section the citations are to be added to, if necessary
  • Click Add all items:

Add citations from Zotero or Mendeley

Add citations manually to your reading list

  • You can always add citations to a Leganto Reading list manually if you cannot export citations via a reference management tool, via the library system at the Royal Danish Library or via one of the other options already mentioned
  • See how to add citations manually (05:01-05:19)

Upload a file

  • Fill in all relevant fields with data about the file

  • Click Next

  • If necessary, select in which section the citation with your file shoud be placed in your reading list
  • If necessary, write a note to your students in the citaton
  • Add one or more of the pre-defined tags.
    Tags symbolised by a graduation cap are tags intended for students.
    Tags symbolised by a document are internal tags that only you and the library can see. Tags you as a teacher can use to request that a book should be put on a semester shelf, for example:

4. Organise and edit your reading list and the citations in your list

See how you can change different elements of your reading list (04:30), e.g.:

  • How to add or remove teaching staff or contributors to your list
  • How to change the title of your list
  • How you see the list as your students will see it
  • How to delete your list
  • How to change information in or delete a section or a single citation
  • How to add notes to your students or tags for students - or tags for the library
  • How you can rearrange sections or individual citations

5. Publish the reading list to your students

When you have completed your Leganto Reading List you can publish your Reading list to your students.

  • Click My List is Ready
  • Select to publish your list to Course students
  • Finish by clicking Confirm
  • Remember to make the tool Leganto Reading List visible to students in your LMS

Need help?

AU Library has employees who can supervise and teach the tool Leganto Reading List.