Aarhus University Seal

Photocopying and scanning for private use

Private individuals (including students) can:

  • Photocopy from printed works for private use.
  • Photocopy for a study buddy. But not for anyone else.
  • Digitally copy (scan) from the library’s printed works. Please note the following restrictions: Digital copying of printed works is permitted as long as it takes place in the library, and as long as you only use the digital copies for personal use, e.g. to pursue your own personal interests. If you want to digitally copy curriculum or supplementary literature for your studies, the limit is 20% of a printed work, but no more than 50 pages from one work. You are welcome to send digital copies to your own email address, but you cannot forward to or share them with others outside your own household
    As a student you are allowed to share a scanned copy of curriculum or supplementary literature with your fellow students on Brightspace, since it is a closed secure network.
    Read more about sharing material.