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Information seeking

How to get the most out of your information searches for your assignment/project.

Five steps for information seeking

Here are five key steps:

Step 1: Identify the key concepts in the problem you want to investigate

  • Which words and phrases will be relevant to proceed with?
  • Clarify your concepts with your teacher or supervisor.
  • Create an overview of words and phrases.

Step 2: Define your search terms

  • Get inspiration for keywords or search terms: Make use of handbooks, dictionaries, subject lists, subject literature.
  • Make a list of search terms based on your research question.
  • Find all potential synonyms - both in Danish and English.
  • Get help from a chatbot to find good search terms. Ask the chatbot to suggest synonyms or related terms. Consider and critically consider whether the search terms suggested by the chatbot are relevant and adequate for your topic. Use them as inspiration.

Step 3: Find relevant sources

Step 4: Think about and construct your search for each source

- query language and search facilities can vary for different sources

Step 5: Evaluate your search result

  • Adjust and perform another search.
  • Don't forget that information seeking and literature search for your assignment is an iterative process, which is to say that you adapt and repeat searches as you gain new knowledge and a better insight into the problem.

Good advice

  1. Do not avoid your information search tasks, set aside some time for this as a part of the writing process.
  2. Use your lecturer, supervisor or librarian for help and clarification.
  3. Please be targeted and systematic - make a search strategy.
  4. Search in different ways for different purposes: For inspiration, for facts, for documentation or for perspective-setting.
  5. Always remember to state your sources.
  6. Always check your academic rules and regulations for special requirements when handling sources.
  7. Be consistent in your source references: Write them in the same way every time.
  8. Take a critical approach to your sources: Always assess the credibility and usefulness. 

Read more

  • Guide to information seeking (in Danish). Help in preparing, carrying out and documenting information searches. A document created by AU Library, Katrinebjerg.
  • AU StudypediaA study tool you can use when writing assignments, making literature searches and other study-related issues.
  • Academic Information Seeking - an online course that includes tuition in search strategies, evaluation and the documentation of your search results.
  • Video guides on how to search and request materials from det Kgl. Bibliotek/Royal Danish Library. Short videos on how to search the library system, how to request a book etc.