Aarhus University Seal

Recording lectures

With regard to recordings that you would like to share with others, both copyright as well as rules contained within the Personal Data Act must be respected.

Can I record lectures and share my recordings?

Whether you make audio or video recordings of your tuition, you may not, without your lecturer’s consent, share this material with others.

If the recording includes contributions from fellow students in the form of, for example, comments in a discussion, you must also obtain consent from them before you publish the recording.    

Be aware that you need consent to share all copyright protected content used in your professor's presentation.

Read the guidelines for streaming and recording classes at AU, for both teachers and students.    

Your rights

Be aware that you need to give consent prior to publication, if you make a contribution yourself, or otherwise participate actively in a teaching session that has been recorded. If you decline the recording may not be published.

Please note that according to AU's guidelines your professor is entitled to publish recordings of teaching sessions in a Brightspace course as long as the recording is part of a scheduled course. In this case it is not necessary to get your consent, even if you are present in the recording.

For more information about your legal rights and duties visit undervislovligt.dk.