On this page you will find a selection of resources concerning history of science studies.
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Article databases
A collection of sources where you can get access to online articles in journals.
See article databases
Web of Science Reference and citation database. Covers all research areas but is best suited for science and health sciences. Time period: 1900 - .
Scopus Reference and citation database. Covers all research areas but is best suited for science and health sciences. Time period: 1960 – (full indexing from 1996).
MathSciNet Matematical bibliographic database with reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information.
Dictionary of Scientific Biography (DSB) Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography. Provides information on the history of science through articles on the professional lives of scientists. All periods of science from classical antiquity to modern times are represented.
MacTudor History of Mathematics archive Archive covering famous people and concepts, as well as describing the development of mathematics in various cultures.
Early printed works
Access to early printed works as well as images, audio, video, museum objects and archives.
See early printed works
Eebo Early English books online. Contains digital facsimile page images of virtually every work printed in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and British North America and works in English printed elsewhere from 1473-1700.
Europeana Multi-lingual online collection of millions of digitized items from European museums, libraries, archives and multi-media collections.
Gallica Digital library of the Bibliotheque nationale de France.
Reference works
A reference work contains systematically arranged information about words or concepts within a certain area. See a selection of reference works where you can find descriptions of academically relevant concepts.
As a student, you have access to a number of dictionaries and reference works.
See dictionaries
Ordbogen.com Collection of dictionaries which contains Ordbogen.com and Gyldendals Ordbøger. The collection of dictionaries covers a large number of subject areas and languages. The list of all relevant dictionaries is obtained when you search a word.