Aarhus University Seal

Subject guide for Medicine

On this page you will find links to the most important databases, dictionaries etc. within medicine. If you need help choosing databases, as well as searching them, then please visit the AU Library, Health Sciences (the library in the Victor Albeck Building).


Here you get an overview of the most important databases with research articles.

See databases

  • PubMed
    The key source for literature within the health sector. Covers, amongst others, medicine, molecular biology, natural sciences, odontology, biology, public health, nursing science, sport science, agricultural sciences, psychology and health sciences.
  • Scopus and Web of Science
    Databases with research articles from all subject areas. In Scopus and Web of Science you can conduct citation searches to see how many times a specific article has been cited by others.
  • ClinicalKey
    Full-text access to over 1000 books and 500 journals. The database is designed for finding clinical answers via evidence-based literature. Covers all clinical specialities and also contains guidelines, patient information, videos, images, etc.
  • Cochrane
    The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases published by the Cochrane Collaboration. The core of the collection is Cochrane Reviews, which consist of systematic evaluations and meta-analyses that summarize and interpret medical research results.
  • Embase
    The database contains references to articles in the fields of biomedicine, pharmacology, and toxicology.
  • PsycINFO
    Database of literature from the field of psychology. Contains references to literature with psychological aspects within such fields as medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, physiology, anthropology, etc.
  • More Health Science databases
    Find more databases on the Royal Danish Library's database list.


Access to Ordbogen.com.

See dictionaries

  • Ordbogen.com
    Contains Medicinsk Odontologisk ordbog, Klinisk ordbog, a Danish-English English-Danish dictionary etc. An overview of relevant dictionaries appears when searching for a word.


Link to Ugeskrift for Læger.

See journals

  • Ugeskrift for Læger (online)
    Journal of the Danish Medical Association. Articles in e-form, from 2002 onwards.
  • Ugeskrift for Læger
    Journal of the Danish Medical Association. Articles from 1839 and onwards.

Anatomical atlas

Anatomy atlases.

See anatomical atlas


Video lectures.

See lectures

Library within your field of study
