Accountancy Europe
Group of 50 organizations from 37 different countries, who see themselves as an advisory body for politicians and other decision-makers within areas such as auditing, tax, financing, reporting and management related to accounting.
EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group)
Advisory body to the EU in relation to the implementation and analysis of current auditing and accounting standards.
Danish Business Authority
Updated news information on accounts and annual reports from the Danish Business Authority.
FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)
Background material on FASB and access to specific standards with updates.
FRC (Financial Reporting Council)
Independent British advisory body for auditors and accounting firms.
FSR - Danish auditors
Website for Danish auditors, which is a trade association for Danish auditing and consulting firms.
IAASB (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board)
Independent body which, in the public interest, work to strengthen the quality of standards within the auditing and insurance industry.
IFAC (International Federation of Accountants)
Website which includes international auditing standards.
IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)
Website with background material on IFRS standards. Also contains current standards. Requires the creation of a user login.
IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors)
American based body that works to create a good framework for dynamic leadership in the profession of internal auditors.
Karnov Group
Portal that provides access to Danish legislation with comments, as well as judgements and journal articles in full-text. In addition, the portal provides a single point of access to key resources within the areas of auditing and accounting. You must be on AU’s network in order to get access to Karnov Group.
LAW: Karnov, UfR (Danish weekly law reports), MAD (environmental law decisions and judgments)
TAX, VAT & DUTIES: SR-tax (journal of new laws and regulations), Skattepolitisk Oversigt (tax policy overview), Ugeskrift for Skat (weekly tax journal) All the content which was previously found in Magnus.
AUDITING: Accounting handbook, bankruptcy law, Danish auditing standards, FSR - Danish Auditor's professional notes, accountancy magazine (1980-2006), auditor's court decisions.
ACCOUNTING: Accounting handbook, Danish Financial Statements Act with comments, international accounting standards (IAS, IFRS, SIC, IFRIC).
PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)
Proposals and comments on American accounting standards.
Handbooks and encyclopedias with overview articles on selected topics. Gives definitions and presents theories and schools as well as the most important contributions to the literature in the field.
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