Aarhus University Seal

Subject guide for Economics

In this subject guide you will find important resources for you as a student at Aarhus University. You are welcome to contact the editors if you need help or if you have suggestions for additional information to the subject guide.


Scientific articles, books, and other research publications.

See different sources for articles

  • Business Source Complete 
    Covers management, economics, finance, banking, insurance, auditing, law, marketing, production management, public administration, etc.
  • ABI Inform Global 
    Covers marketing, branding, consumer behaviour, business communication, social media etc. 
  • Emerald 
    Embraces several topics within management.
  • ScienceDirect
    Covers most subject areas. Good at suggesting other relevant articles.
  • Scopus and Web of Science (WOS)
    Citation and article databases that covers many subject areas.
  • EconLit
    Economic articles, books, theses and working papers. 


Detailed national and international statistics.

See sources for statistics

Companies and financial data

Detailed financial data and information about Danish and international companies.

See sources for companies and financial data

  • Orbis, Orbis M&A and BankFocus
    Global company databases with detailed information on accounting, ownership, management, board of directors and mergers & acquisitions. Particularly advanced search and export options.
  • CVR - Central Business Register
    The Danish state's master registry of information about businesses. Contains annual reports and information about management and ownership. 
  • Eikon - Book a pc with Eikon
    Global database with share and company data on the listed companies. Also access to commodity prices, energy data and macroeconomic data.
    Eikon PCs are located in the "Company Corner" at AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé.
  • Nasdaq Newsclient
    Access to stock exchange announcements, annual accounts and stock exchange prospectuses from companies listed on the Nordic and Baltic stock exchanges.
    Contact AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé for access.
  • WRDS (Wharton Research Data Service)
    Portal with access to financial databases. Only students and employees at AU have access, and users must register in the system and will be sent a username and password. See guide to WRDS.
    Databases in WRDS:
    • COMPUSTAT Global
      Covers more than 90% of global trade with listed companies from more than 80 countries. EMDB covers over 2000 stocks from more than 50 countries.
    • COMPUSTAT North America
      Covers 20,000+ US and Canadian companies.
    • CRSP
      Data on securities – shares and bonds.
    • Option Metrics
      Access to historical data for the US stock and options market.

Markets and products

Market reports, consumption figures, product and industry analyses.

See sources for markets and products

  • Business Source Complete 
    Country reports from EIU, WEFA, Country Watch and ICON group, company profiles, industry reports from Datamonitor, case studies, SWOT analyses. 
  • Passport 
    Country reports, demographics, economy, consumption and market conditions, market reports, lifestyle reports and user behavior for products with a focus on fast moving consumer goods (FMCG), company reports.
  • Marketline
    Country reports, market and consumption statistics, industry information, company profiles, financial deals and news.
  • Kompass 
    Information about companies with detailed product information. International coverage.
  • Derwent Innovations Index 
    Patent information enriched with comments.


Danish and foreign newspapers and news media.

See sources for news

  • Factiva
    Database combining global news with business information. Good for both global news searches and for searching market and company information.
  • Infomedia (in Danish) 
    Access to all Danish national and local dailies as well as a selection of local weekly newspapers. In addition, access to individual Danish journals/trade journals and web sources.
  • Børsen studienet+ (in Danish)
    • All articles on E-avis
    • All articles on E-arkiv 1932- as well as other tools and newsletters
    • Archive access to Børsen Ledelseshåndbøger
    • Børsen.Pro special media with news, debate and analysis: Finans, Selvstændig and International with ongoing news and analysis
    • Børsen.Investor with current Danish, a number of international share prices and stock market announcements
  • Finans.dk (in Danish)
    Financial news portal from Jyllands-Posten/Politikens hus. News and more in-depth articles that cover a wide range of economics, politics and financial news.
  • Finanswatch (in Danish)
    Portal with news and articles on economy and the finacial sector.  
  • Retriever
    Provides electronic access to articles from a wide range of Norwegian and Swedish newspapers, trade journals and web sources.


Auditing and accounting. Auditing and accounting standards.

See sources for auditing

  • Accountancy Europe
    Group of 50 organizations from 37 different countries, who see themselves as an advisory body for politicians and other decision-makers within areas such as auditing, tax, financing, reporting and management related to accounting.

  • EFRAG (European Financial Reporting Advisory Group)
    Advisory body to the EU in relation to the implementation and analysis of current auditing and accounting standards. 

  • Danish Business Authority
    Updated news information on accounts and annual reports from the Danish Business Authority.

  • FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)
    Background material on FASB and access to specific standards with updates. 

  • FRC (Financial Reporting Council)
    Independent British advisory body for auditors and accounting firms.

  • FSR - Danish auditors
    Website for Danish auditors, which is a trade association for Danish auditing and consulting firms.

  • IAASB (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board)
    Independent body which, in the public interest, work to strengthen the quality of standards within the auditing and insurance industry.

  • IFAC (International Federation of Accountants)
    Website which includes international auditing standards.

  • IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) 
    Website with background material on IFRS standards. Also contains current standards. Requires the creation of a user login.

  • IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors)
    American based body that works to create a good framework for dynamic leadership in the profession of internal auditors. 

  • Inform
    Inform (previously Comperio) is PwC's accounting and auditing research library, which, among other things, provides access to international, British and American accounting standards in full-text. Can only be used at AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé. Requires a password, please contact the staff at AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé.   
  • Karnov Group
    Portal that provides access to Danish legislation with comments, as well as judgements and journal articles in full-text. In addition, the portal provides a single point of access to key resources within the areas of auditing and accounting. You must be on AU’s network in order to get access to Karnov Group.

    • LAW: Karnov, UfR (Danish weekly law reports), MAD (environmental law decisions and judgments)

    • TAX, VAT & DUTIES: SR-tax (journal of new laws and regulations), Skattepolitisk Oversigt (tax policy overview), Ugeskrift for Skat (weekly tax journal) All the content which was previously found in Magnus.

    • AUDITING: Accounting handbook, bankruptcy law, Danish auditing standards, FSR - Danish Auditor's professional notes, accountancy magazine (1980-2006), auditor's court decisions.

    • ACCOUNTING: Accounting handbook, Danish Financial Statements Act with comments, international accounting standards (IAS, IFRS, SIC, IFRIC). 

  • PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board)
    Proposals and comments on American accounting standards.

Working papers

Working papers from international organisations and institutions. 

See working papers

  • EconPapers 
    Index of a great collection of working papers within economy from research institutions all over the world. Based on the RePEc archive – Research Papers in Economics.
  • SSRN (formerly the Social Science Research Network)
    SSRN is an open platform where researchers can share their working papers.

Reference works

Handbooks and encyclopedias with overview articles on selected topics. Gives definitions and presents theories and schools as well as the most important contributions to the literature in the field.

See reference works

Libraries within your field of study

Liaison librarians

BSS Datalab

BSS Datalab is a physical location at the library on Fuglesangs Allé, staffed by computer literate people.

Here, all BSS students can get help with their work with the data included in their subject.
Whether you work with financial data, interviews, API calls or something else entirely, we are ready to assist you. See also our courses.


Book a PC in the Company Corner area at AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé to work with Eikon.
You can book a maximum of 2 hours at a time, 2 times a week - 2 weeks ahead in the calendar.

You can also book help to get started.

Search for public theses/student projects from 2003-