Educational anthropology involves analyzing cultural conditions and social processes within educational contexts (or from an educational perspective). Through ethnographic studies, it analyzes people's perspectives, actions, and relationships as they are formed and expressed in everyday life and outside institutions.
Find entries on topics and relevant subject terms.
A companion to the anthropology of education / edited by Bradley A. U. Levinson and Mica Pollock
Chichester, Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011
Anthropology in theory [electronic resource] : issues in epistemology / edited by Henrietta L. Moore and Todd Sanders
2. ed., Chichester, West Sussex, Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, 2014
Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology Online gives you instant access to the most authoritative and up-to-date scholarship in the field of sociology. (online)
Cultural anthropology : a contemporary perspective Roger M. Keesing, Andrew J. Strathern
3. ed., Belmont, Calif. : Thomson/Wadsworth, 1998
Den Store Danske is an encyclopedia that provides answers to most things – a national reference work. (online)
Dictionary of Sociology
With terms taken from sociology and the related fields of psychology, economics, anthropology, philosophy, and political science, it provides widespread coverage of all aspects of sociology, from adaptation to zero tolerance. (online)
Dictionary of the social sciences
Collecting anthropology, sociology, political science, economics, human geography, cultural studies, and Marxism in one volume
Encyclopedia of social measurement
The Encyclopedia of Social Measurement excellently covers and integrates both qualitative and quantitative approaches to social science and social measurement (online)
From notes to narrative: writing ethnographies that everyone can read
Kristen Rogheh Ghodsee, 2016
Leksikon for det 21. Århundrede
The encyclopedia contains over 3200 entries on subjects that the established encyclopedias do not mention at all, or where they write nonsense. This primarily applies to the movements - the grassroots organizations - but also concepts, countries and people. (online)
Pædagogisk antropologi : tilgange og begreber / redaktør: Eva Gulløv ; redaktør: Gritt B. Nielsen ; redaktør: Ida Wentzel Winther Udgivelsessted København. : Hans Reitzel, 2017
Small places, large issues [electronic resource] : an introduction to social and cultural anthropology / Thomas Hylland Eriksen 4. ed., London : Pluto Press, 2015
Social and cultural anthropology : the key concepts / Nigel Rapport & Joanna Overing
3. ed., New York : Routledge, 2014
Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology online. George Ritzer editor; 2007
The Palgrave Handbook of the Anthropology of Technology
Editors: Maja Hojer Bruun, Ayo Wahlberg, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Cathrine Hasse, Klaus Hoeyer, Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, Brit Ross Winthereik
Fills a substantial gap in the scholarly and academic literature addressing social studies of technology. Timely, topical and unique exposition of the subject, which will be required reading for years to come cutting-edge resource for students in anthropology, STS courses and related disciplines
The Routledge Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology (Login for adgang)
Social anthropology; cultural anthropology; reference works (online)
er et flersproget, encyklopædi-projekt, som er baseret på frit indhold og en åben redigeringsmodel. (online)
Wiley: Blackwell Companions to Anthropology Series
Listings 1 - 20 - The Blackwell Companions to Anthropology offer a series of comprehensive syntheses of the traditional subdisciplines, primary subjects, and ...
Wiley: Blackwell Readers in Anthropology Series
Listings 1 - 20 - This is the object of this exciting new series, Blackwell Readers in Anthropology. Each volume in the series offers seminal readings on a chosen ...
English-language databases for your subject-specific research. Your topic determines which database is relevant. Under each database, you will find a description of the topics it covers.
Here you will find subject databases that are relevant to search in for your particular subject.
Anthropology Plus
The most comprehensive bibliography in anthropology. Is an amalgamation of the bibliographies Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and Anthropological Index from the Royal Anthropological Institute. Indexes periodicals, books, reports, anthologies and obituaries. Covers the period from the late 19th century to the present day. All core journals are indexed together with a large number of lesser-known publications from around the world.
Journal database with full-text access to the American Anthropological Association's publications in anthropology, ethnography and archaeology. All years, from the first to the latest, are included.
Here you will find additional databases for a broader search on what has been written about your topic in other countries.
Search in Nordic databases to find sources on your topic in Scandinavia. Under each database, you will find a description of what the database covers.
LIBRIS is the joint library base of the Swedish National Library and the Swedish research and university libraries with Swedish literature dating back to the 17th century: books, journals, articles, sheet music, maps, electronic material, etc. You should search here if you want an overview of what is available of Swedish articles and publications on your topic.
Exciting resources and sources with relevant reports, research, and other materials.
AE Arbejderbevægelsens Erhvervsråd
particular focus areas are the labor market, the education system, inequality, public finances, social prosperity and economic opportunities in the green transition.
The Workers' Business Council was founded in 1936 by the then LO and Det Cooperative Fællesforbund as the workers' movement's main organization in the field of economic and business policy.
The Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) is the European Commission's primary source of results from the projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation, from FP1 to Horizon Europe.
Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning
Collects, analyzes and distributes results on research in the pedagogical and educational field.
The database of references in the field of education is being developed by the EPPI-Centre and Review Groups as a result of searching and coding research for systematic reviews.
The EU's statistics organisation, which controls the member states' statistics.
Denmark's evaluation institute is an independent state institute under the Ministry of Education. EVA works with evaluation and quality development – from day care for children to higher education.
Newspaper database with Danish newspapers and magazines.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Program for International Student Assessment.
Rådet for børns læring
The council monitors, assesses and advises the Minister for Children and Education on the professional level, the pedagogical development and the pupils' benefit from the teaching.
Information monitoring about up-to-date Swedish school news, the latest school research and conferences.
The central administrative authority for the Swedish public school system for children, young people and adults, as well as for pre-school activities and child care for school children. Government and Parliament specify goals and guidelines for preschool and school through the Education Act, curricula etc. The task of the Agency is to work actively for the achievement of these goals. The Agency steers, supports, follows up and evaluates the work of municipalities and schools with the purpose of improving quality and the result of activities to ensure that all pupils have access to equal education.
The National Board of Social Affairs and Health is part of the Ministry for Children, Equality, Integration and Social Relations, which has the task of contributing actively to a knowledge-based social policy.
produces knowledge, debate and networks about early interventions for 0-6 year olds, youth education and higher education as well as research and innovation. Dea is a non-profit and politically independent think tank.
VIVE – Det Nationale Forsknings- og Analysecenter for Velfærd
VIVE is an independent government institution under the Ministry of the Economy and the Interior, which deals with analyzes and research within: the social and health sector, children and family, the elderly, employment, education as well as finance and administration. According to the law, the center must contribute to solving the welfare society's challenges and strengthen quality development, efficiency and management in the public sector.
Find inspiration in theses and dissertations, from both AU and other universities.
Here you will find the theses that have been submitted to the library. Remember to give permission for publication if you want to share your thesis on the library's website when you submit it to AU.
Exciting resources and sources, both physical and digital, with plenty of relevant subject terms and topics.
Find plenty of academic inspiration on topics within educational anthropology.
Fremtidsteknologi kultur og læreprocesser
In the research program for Future Technology, Culture and Learning Processes, we deal with how technology changes and is changed by people and society. The focus is not only on specific technologies or on people, but on the relationship between these. When you have said something about technology, you have also said something about culture and learning processes; two terms which both indicate that a process of change is taking place. Podcast
NAFA Newsletter
Nordic Antrhopological Film Association - here you will find all the newsletter issues, dating back to 2008.
Nordic Anthropological Film Association – NAFA
NAFA is an organization focused on anthropological documentary film. On this website we promote the use and usability of anthropological films/documentaries.
Get username and password from Department of Educational Antrhopology.
Combined electronic access to and Gyldendal's dictionaries, etc. Here are dictionaries in many subjects, languages and subject areas. The overview of all relevant dictionaries appears when searching for a word.
AU Studypedia is an academic study tool you can use in connection with writing assignments, literature searches and other study-related work forms.
Portal to theses for the various subject areas under DPU.