Aarhus University Seal

Subject guide for Molecular Biology and Genetics

This subject guide presents selected resources in the field of Molecular Biology and Genetics and related areas of research.
If you need help please contact liaison librarians Tine Legarth Iversen or Anna Slyngborg.

Article databases

A collection of sources where you can get access to online articles in journals.

See article databases

  • PubMed
    The most important database for article search in Molecular Biology and Genetics. PubMed contains among other things the entire database MEDLINE.
  • PMC PubMed Central
    Free full-text archive of more than 8 million scholarly articles from biomedical and life sciences journal literature. 
  • Scopus
    Scopus is both article base and quotation index. Scopus is indexing more magazines than any other base, and is a very good alternative to the more discipline-specific databases. Covers all subject areas.
  • Web of Science (WoS)  
    Web of Science is an article database and a quotation index with references to articles within all subjects. It provides access to citations, h-index and Journal Citation Reports.
  • More databases
    Find more databases on the Royal Danish Library's database list.


A selection of different databases that could be relevant for your subject area.

See databases

  • NCBI (The National Center for Biotechnology Information)
    Biomedical and genomic educational products as courses, workshops, webinars, training materials and documentation. Educational events are free and materials are open incl. to re-use and distribute.
  • Biotechnology Research Abstracts  
    Part of Proquest. Covers articles on biotechnology featuring medicine, agriculture and environment.
  • Embase
    Biomedical and pharmacological database. Embase is regarded an important supplement to PubMed/Medline, though there is a large overlap between the two databases.
  • wwPDB
    Protein Data Base for 3D-structures and metadata to proteins and nucleic acids.
    Access to structures at RCSB PDB and Open Access til public available data.
  • The Human Protein Atlas
    About human biology and disease. The atlas consists six  parts: Tissue, Cell, Pathology, Brain, Blod og Metabolic. Open Access to all data.
  • UniProt
    Database with protein sequences and functions. UniProt data is freely accessible, and is divided into manually or automatically annotated entries.
  • HSTalks - The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
    Collection of almost 3000 lectures and talks made in collaboration with experts in areas such as biochemistry, cellular biology, genetics, and neuroscience.
  • UCSC Genome Bioinformatics
    UCSC Genome Browser is an interactive web page, which provides access to DNA sequences/genomes (chromosomes) for a wide range of organisms.
  • WorldWideScience.org
    Approximately 100 databases and portals from over 70 countries are searchable in fields such as medicine, agriculture, environment, and basic sciences. Much of the information is open access.
  • More databases
    Find more databases on the Royal Danish Library's database list.


Articles and videos that visualize scientific methods and techniques as well as experimental approaches within the field.

See JoVE

  • JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
    Peer reviewed scientific video journal for methods and protocols divided by subject. See chosen subjects listed below here
  • JoVE Biochemistry
    Includes methods and experimental approaches to study the structure, function, and interactions of biological molecules
  • JoVE Biology
    Includes techniques and experimental approaches in the fields of cellular, molecular, and organismal biology
  • JoVE Cell biology
    Profiles five important cellular phenomena: cell division, motility, endocytosis and exocytosis, metabolism, and cell death  
  • JoVE Developmental Biology
    Includes methods to study biological development in all stages - from cells to organisms
  • JoVE Genetics
    Includes experimental approaches to study gene function, gene expression and regulation, epigenetics, genetic disorders, population genetics, and evolution
  • JoVE Neuroscience
    An introduction to the field of neuroscience, exploring neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, cell and molecular neuroscience, behavioral neuroscience, and developmental neuroscience  


A selection of e-books in your subject area.

See e-books

  • Springer Nature Experiments (incl. Springer Protocols)
    Springer Nature Experiments is a large collection of Laboratory Protocols and methods in bioscience and biomedicin.
    Contents come from Springer Protocols, Nature Methods, Nature Protocols og Protocol Exchange.  The collection has protocols from the book series "Methods in Molecular Biology", "Methods in Molecular Medicine", "Methods in Biotechnology", and "Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology and Neuromethods" as well as Laboratory Handbooks, such as "The Biomethods Handbook", "The Proteomics Handbook" and Springer Laboratory Manuals.
  • Springer Link
    Journals and books published by the publishing houses Springer and Kluwer. There is access to full text in most journals, but only in a small number of books.
  • Bookshelf (NCBI)
    Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.
  • UC Press E-Books Collection
    E-book database with books from California University Press and a few other publishers, published between 1982 and 2004. Although the database is for use by staff at California University, more than 700 of 2000 titles in the database are freely available. All are marked with the icon PUBLIC.
  • Ebook Central
    E-book database, covering all subject areas. The books, which are predominantly in English, come from reputable publishers such as e.g. Blackwell, Brill, Oxford University Press, Springer and Wiley. Ebook Central is a product of a fusion between Ebrary and EBL.
  • EBSCO eBook Collection
    Collection of e-books in all subject areas. The majority of the books are published on English and American Publishers 


A selection of journals within your subject area.

See journals

  • ACS Publications
    Magazine database with full-text versions of all journals published by the American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • Mary Ann Liebert
    Collection of journals within the field of biotechnology, biomedicine, clinical medicine and surgery.
    There is access to the full text in all journals.
  • SpringerLink
    Journals and books published by the publishing houses Springer and Kluwer. There is access to full text in most journals, but only in a small number of books.
  • Wiley Online Library
    Journals and books published by the publishers Wiley and Blackwell, Verlag Chemie. There is access to the full text in most journals, but only in a small number of books.
  • Open Access Library (OALib)
    OALib gives access to The Open Access Library Journal (OALib Journal) with a great number of peer reviewed scientific articles within natural science, technology and social science. OALib also gives access to publishing, indexing and archiving.
  • Ulrichsweb
    The authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types–academic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more from around the world.

Dictionaries and reference works

As a student you have access to a number of dictionaries and reference works of academically relevant concepts.

See dictionaries and reference works

Newspapers and media

A selection of sources where you can find Danish and international news.

See newspapers and media

Library within your field of study

Liaison librarians