Elections and political parties in Denmark
See also the subject guide for Law.
Here you can find examples of exam sets for all courses at the bachelor programme at Political Science at Aarhus University. The examples are only in Danish.
There is no access to the students’ exam papers!
Each semester the library creates semester shelves at the library for those materials that are used in the courses. The materials are intended for copying at the library and they cannot be borrowed. You can check the library database to see if there should be a circulation copy available.
At Bartholins Allé the semester shelves for Political Science are next to the information desk on the first floor. The books are marked with a green label.
See all titles on the semester shelves for Political Science.
Writing instructions for Politica show how the references on the bibliography should be constructed. It is also possible to use the EndNote tool, which keeps track of citations and references in your written assignment. (In Danish).
At Folketingstidende.dk there is an extensive guide on how to refer to specific documents and places in Folketingstidende and Rigsdagstidende (in Danish).
Do you know the rules about copyright, when you are studying and writing papers? Figure out how and when you can use pictures, video-recordings or other materials here.
We have collected some relevant information about information retrieval and on how to quickly and efficiently find the materials you need.
We have compiled the best resources for you as a student so you can get an easy overview of the services AU Library has to offer.