Aarhus University Seal


Public theses (and bachelor's projects) submitted at the Department of Political Science are registered in the library system as student projects.

To access theses and bachelor projects, you must be logged in:

AU campus via AU Eduroam
or from home via AU's VPN
the library system as a student or employee at AU.

Where to search for student projects

You have several ways to search for theses and bachelor projects:

1. Access from Library.au.dk

If you are on library.au.dk, you can go to "Student projects" in the menu to the right.

2. Access from the library database

If you are already in our library system, you can select "Search only student projects"

3. Access from direct link

You can use this direct link: Student projects

Theses from the Department of Political Science, Aarhus University

Theses from the period 1963-2007 can be found in printed form at the library at Bartholins Allé, and you can borrow them.

From 2008 and onwards the theses can be downloaded in full text as a pdf-file. You can find the link to the electronic theses in the library database. 

In the period 1963-2021 you can search for theses from the Department of Political Science under Student Projects by limiting the advanced search to Aarhus University and department = statskundskab and material type = theses.

In the period 2022 onwards it is not possible to limit your search to the Department of Political Science. So in this period you will only find a thesis if you search in Student projects and have searched for a word that exists in the thesis’ author name or title.