Aarhus University Seal

Subject guide for Management

On this page you will find a general overview of electronic resources relevant to students of Management. You are always welcome to contact us if you need help.  

Newspaper and media

  • Factiva
    Dow Jones Factiva is a unique database, combining extensive global news with first-class business information. Good for both global news searches as well as market and business information
  • Infomedia
    Access to all Danish national and local daily newspapers as well as a selection of local weekly newspapers. In addition, access to individual Danish journals/trade magazines and web sources
  • Børsen 
    Archive access via Infomedia

Article databases

  • Business Source Complete 
    A key economics and business database. Covers all areas relating to business, including management, economics, finance, banking, insurance, auditing, law, marketing, production management, public administration, etc. Contains a large amount of academic journals and articles in full-text.
  • ABI Inform Global  
    Large article database. Covers a wide range of business related fields, such as management, marketing, branding, consumer behavior, business communication, social media, corporate culture. Academic articles and articles from trade journals.  
  • ScienceDirect
    Academic database with broad coverage of subjects. Good at suggesting relevant literature when you have found a useful article.  
  • Scopus
    Extensive database of citations and articles, covering a broad range of subjects.  
  • Web of Science (WOS)
    Similarly large database of citations and articles, covering a broad range of subjects.
  • Google Scholar
    Google's own collection of links to scholarly information. Be aware that you are searching through material of very mixed quality, of which much is not scientific. A citation search is possible - also on books.


  • Ordbogen.com 
    Collection of dictionaries which contains Ordbogen.com and Gyldendals Ordbøger. The collection of dictionaries covers a large number of subject areas and languages. The list of all relevant dictionaries is obtained when you search a word. Extensive coverage of areas such as trade, technology, IT, medicine and law.

  • IATE
    In IATE you can find EU-specific terminology and jargon as well as terms from a broad list of areas, such as law, agriculture, information technology and many others. IATE has 8.4 million terms, including about 540,000 abbreviations and 130,000 phrases and covers all 23 official languages of the European Union.  
  • Accountancy dictionaries
    Regnskabsordbøgerne (part of Ordbogen.com) are a collection of special dictionaries within the areas of external accounting, auditing and financial management. Access to a glossary of more than 6,000 words and 25,000 word combinations in each dictionary.   


  • Statistics Denmark 
    Access to News from Statistics Denmark (in Danish) and other statistical information.
    Statistisk Tiårsoversigt (ten-year summaries - in Danish) which, among other things, contains useful feature articles.
    Also provides access to information on statistics published by Statistics Denmark and a comprehensive list of other international organisations and statistical bureaus.
  • Eurostat 
    Access to Eurostat’s publications and databank. Among other things, access to trade statistics, manufacturing statistics, Eurostat Yearbook and Panorama of European Business.  
  • OECD Library 
    The database provides access to a large quantity of OECD's publications and statistics on economic and social issues. It covers, among others, macroeconomics, foreign trade, education, employment, development and research. OECD iLibrary has a good advanced search where you can make very precise searches in their comprehensive material. Please also refer to OECD's website.  
  • IMF eLibrary 
    Access to IMF’s publications and databank. Provides, among other things, access to IFS and DOTS with unique quarterly and monthly statistics on trade and economics.    
  • International Labor Comparisons
    Data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Used for comparing labour market conditions across a number of countries.

  • (BIS) Bank for International Settlements  
    International statistics collected by BIS in collaboration with central banks and other national financial institutions. Good for analysis of financial stability, international cash flows and global liquidity.

  • PWT (Penn World Table)
    Large database with macroeconomic data sets covering a wide range of countries.
  • United Nations National Accounts - Analysis of Main Aggregates (AMA)
    National accounts figures from 1970 onwards for more than 200 countries and areas of the world.     
  • UNSD Statistical Databases
    United Nations databases with access to international statistics on economic and social issues. You can find, for example, Comtrade and Monthly Bulletin of Statistics.
  • World Bank Data Catalog
    The catalogue contains a list of the data that is available through the World Bank's website, including; World Development Indicators, Global Financial Development and World Development Reports.

Company information

  • Orbis 
    The library's largest corporate directory, with access to 100+ million international companies. Detailed financial information, information on ownership and mergers and acquisitions. Very advanced search and export possibilities.
  • Zephyr 
    ZEPHYR covers information relating to acquisitions (M&A), IPO and venture capital, with links to detailed financial business information. Contains 1 million transactions - half of them European. You can book help with using the Company Corner via book a librarian.  
  • Orbis Bank Focus 
    Access to detailed information on 40,000 banks worldwide. You can book help with using the "Company Corner" at AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé via book a librarian.   


  • Business Source Complete
    Access to many other types of information, such as company profiles, industry reports from Datamonitor, country reports from EIU, WEFA, Country Watch and ICON group, case studies, SWOT analyses, etc.
  • ABI Inform Global  
    Large article database. Covers a wide range of business related fields, such as management, marketing, branding, consumer behavior, business communication, social media, corporate culture. Academic articles and articles from trade journals.   
  • Børsen Ledelse (Børsen management textbooks) 
    Textbooks in e-book form 
    (in Danish), covering the following areas: IT, management in general, public management, HR management, sales and marketing, economics.  
  • Emerald 
    Access to many of the journals from Emerald Publishing, encompassing several topics within the field of management. 

Product information

  • Kompass 
    Information on 4 million international companies, with particular focus on detailed product information
  • Derwent Innovations Index 
    Value-added patent information
     from Thomson Scientific. The database covers more than 40 countries, back to 1963.   

Financial information

  • Eikon 
    Database with daily financial and economic data.
    Book a PC with Eikon installed, placed in "Company Corner" at AU Library, Fuglesangs Allé.
  • Compustat 
    Access via WRDS (Wharton Research Data Service)
    COMPUSTAT Global covers more than 90% of global trade with listed companies from more than 80 countries. EMDB covers more than 2,000 shares from more than 50 countries. 
    Access only for students and staff at AU. Users must register in the system to receive a username and password.  

Auditing and accounting standards

  • IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) 
    The database contains international auditing standards.
  • Inform 
    Inform (previously Comperio) is PwC's accounting and auditing research library, which, among other things, provides access to international, British and American accounting standards in full-text
  • Karnov Group 
    The portal provides access to Danish legislation with comments, as well as judgements and journal articles in full-text. In addition, the portal provides a single point of access to key resources within the areas of auditing and accounting.
    LAW: Karnov, UfR (Danish weekly law reports), MAD (environmental law decisions and judgments)
    TAX, VAT & DUTIES: SR-tax (journal of new laws and regulations), Skattepolitisk Oversigt (tax policy overview), Ugeskrift for Skat (weekly tax journal) 
    AUDITING: Accounting handbook, bankruptcy law, Danish auditing standards, FSR - Danish Auditor's professional notes, accountancy magazine (1980-2006), auditor's court decisions.
    ACCOUNTING: Accounting handbook, Danish Financial Statements Act with comments, international accounting standards (IAS, IFRS, SIC, IFRIC).  
  • PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board) 
    Proposals and comments to American accounting standards.  

Market information

  • Business Source Complete 
    Access to many other types of information, such as company profiles, industry reports from Datamonitor, country reports from EIU, WEFA, Country Watch and ICON group, case studies, SWOT analyses, etc.
  • Passport 
    Passport (previously GMID - Global Market Information Database) from Euromonitor provides information on demographics, economics, consumer trends and market conditions in more than 200 countries - most importantly includes consumer statistics on nearly 1,000 products. Also includes lifestyle reports, market reports and company reports.
  • Marketline
    Market and industry information. Contains data, reports, analyzes and case studies. It is possible to search by industry, company names and geography.

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