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Subject Guide for Philosophy and History of Ideas

In this subject guide, you will find a collection of resources concerning philosophy and history of ideas, including lists of databases, bibliographies, journals and podcasts, as well as resources concerning cognitive science and cultural studies. You are always welcome to contact your Liason Librarian in case you need help navigating the subject guide, or if you have suggestions for additional information for the page.

Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

A collection of Encyclopedias and dictionaries relevant to your subject

See Encyclopedias and Dictionaries

  • Oxford New Histories of Philosophy

    Digital collection of book titles published by Oxford University Press. Full text access is provided through kb.dk. It is an essential entry point to literature that recontextualizes traditional narratives in philosophy and offers insights into underrepresented female and non-Western philosophers.

  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    Covers all the central aspects of philosophy. Is continually updated by specialists. All articles are under peer review.

  • Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    Peer-reviewed og up-to-date online leksikon med artikler skrevet af akademiske filosoffer.

  • The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy

    Covers all areas of philosophy and have terms from related disciplines such as religion, natural sciences and logic. Contains clear and acknowledged definitions.

  • Dictionary of the History of Ideas

    Online access to the older reference work for history of ideas. Can often be a great place to start for an analysis related to the methodologies of history of ideas.

  • A Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion

    Dictionary that explains the terms related to the study of philosophy of religion. Provides short bibliographies for philosophers of religion, contemporary as well as historical.

  • Dictionary of Untranslatables

    Collection of fundamental philosophical concepts along with their various linguistic translations and meanings across different language cultures.

  • Encyclopedia of Aesthetics

    Can be found both as part of Oxford Art Online and as a standalone e-reference work. It deals with the philosophy of art and art criticism in a very broad sense.

  • Encyclopedia of Bioethics

    It addresses topics such as ethics in healthcare professions, animal testing, population control, and the environment.

  • Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Neo-Latin World

    The reference work gathers research on all aspects of Neo-Latin's extensive influence from the Renaissance to modern times in overview articles. The reference work also includes 146 shorter topic entries arranged alphabetically.

Article Databases, Journals and Journal Databases

A collection of sources where you can get access to online articles in journals.

See Article Databases, Journals and Journal Databases


    Journal database with open full-text access to the leading academic journals within all subject areas. NB: It is usually not possible to access the most recent 3-5 volumes, but it is possible to access publications before that – some journals even go back to the 16th-18th centuries.

  • Project Muse

    Journal database with open full-text access to high quality journals within the humanities and social sciences. The database provides access to the most recent issues and sometimes to older issues (back issues) as well. Continuously updated.

  • Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

    Online journal that focuses on female philosophers. Provides access to texts, online seminars, published books, etc.

  • Hypatia – A Journal of Feminist Philosophy

    Online journal under Cambridge University Press that publishes feminist research in philosophy.


Find a selection of bibliographies within your subject area. 

See bibliographies

  • PhilPapers

    The largest online archive for philosophy. Index of books, articles and open access archives from other websites.

  • ATLA

    One of the leading bibliographies within science of religion and theology. Direct access to online texts. Index articles, essays and reviews.

Databases & special collections

As a student you have access to a number of databases and special collections

See Databases and special collections

  • Demographics in Philosophy Project 

    Complete overview of more than 50 databases with information resources on gender, class, race, and diversity in philosophy.

  • Supressed Histories Archives

    An independent and non-profit database of 50,000 images and 100 visual presentations, articles, photo essays, books, and videos fleshing out the cultural heritages of womxn around the world. Is not associated with a university or research center.

  • Diversity Reading List in Philosophy

    Overview of relevant texts and research by LGBTQ and female philosophers. In line with the increasing focus on the lack of representation in philosophical research, as well as inequalities regarding gender and race, the list includes texts by authors who do not identify as cis-gender men or who have a non-white racial background.

  • The Open Commons of Phenomenology

    Full text works from phenomenological philosophers.

  • Project Gutenberg

    Project Gutenberg is an online library of more than 60.000 free eBooks. It is the world’s oldest online text archive. The archive is not monitored for errors in digitization. This means that mistakes can appear in the digitized versions of the literature.

  • Grundtvigs Værker

    An in-progress project to digitize a critical and commented version of Grundtvig’ body of work.

  • Søren Kirkegaards Skrifter

    A Special Collection at The Royal Danish Library. The complete works of Søren Kierkegaard.

  • Online Library of Liberty (OLL) - A collection of scholarly works about individual liberty and free markets
    Text collection of works regarding theories of the free market and individual freedoms. Contains a chronological collection of text from ancient times, to the contemporary.

  • The Internet Archive

    A source for primary literature from the 19th century.

News and media archives

A selection of sources where you can find Danish and international news.

See news and media archives

  • Infomedia (Only in Danish)

    Here you can find full text articles from Danish national, regional and local daily and weekly newspapers, specialist journals, magazines and news agencies. It covers the years from approximately 1990 and onwards – depending on when the specific journals and news sites started.

  • Mediestream

    Mediestream provides online access to Det Kgl. Biblioteks digital collections of Danish cultural heritage. So far, it covers newspapers, radio, television as well as commercials. Most of the content is in Danish, so relevant if you need to watch Danish documentaries, commercials or episodes of typical Danish drama series.

  • Factiva

    Database with access to newspapers from all over the world. Partial full text access.


A range of EBooks that are relevant to your subject

See EBooks

  • InteLex Past Masters

    Ebook database that provides access to an array of classical works within philosophy and other areas of study. Contains works by Kant, Beauvoir, Decartes, Hegel, Kirkegaard etc.

  • Cambridge Companions Online

    Online-versions of the acknowledged Cambridge Companions series meant for students. Contains good introductions to classical and central authors, artists, philosophers, topics and periods.

  • Ebook Central

    Ebook database with thousands of e-books in all subject areas.

  • Oxford Scholarship Online

    Grants access to a wide selection of books from Oxford University Press. Only provides full-text access to the subjects that AU Library subscribes to: Classical Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Economics and Finance, Philosophy, Political Science, Law, Sociology, Religion, Biology, and Public Health and Epidemiology.

  • Oxford Reference Online - Premium Collection                    

    Ebook database with a great collection of acknowledged reference works and dictionaries.


A collection of resources where you can find podcasts. 

See Podcasts

Online courses

A collection of courses that can be relevant for your subject area.

See cources

  • Open Culture – The best free cultural & educational media on the web

    Tuition-free courses on philosophy from some of the world’s leading universities.

  • Reference Management

    It is important to refer correctly to the work of others when writing your own texts.

  • AU Studypedia

    AU Studypedia is an academic tool for you to use in regard to writing assignments, searching for literature, and other approaches related to your studying.

  • Copyright

    Do you know the rules regarding copyright, when you are studying and writing assignements? Figure out how and when you can use pictures, video-recordings or other materials here.

  • Information Seeking

    We have collected some relevant information about information retrieval and on how to quickly and efficiently find the materials you need.

  • Writing Your Academic Paper

    Get on top of your writing, make the most of your academic supervision, structure your assignment and define a precise problem statement.

Libraries within your field of study

Liaison librarians

Karoline Liv Vildlyng

Information Specialist