When using video clips in lectures, you need to be aware of both the Copyright Act, the Personal Data Act and the terms and conditions that apply to the video service that you are using.
You may only show entire feature films or series episodes in an educational setting if you have permission from the copyright holders. However, you are allowed to show short clips under the citation right in the Danish Copyright Act. In such cases, always remember to cite the source correctly.
See the special rules that apply to radio, TV, and commercials.
If you show, embed or link to videos or audio recordings made by others, you must ensure:
If you wish to publish a video or an audio recording you have produced yourself, you need to be aware of both the Personal Data Act, the Danish Copyright Act and the Danish web content accessibility act:
The Personal Data Act |
The Danish Copyright Act |
The Danish web content accessibility act |
If you use Panopto, AU’s video platform, you can use content covered by AU’s Copydan or license agreements without asking for permission.
When you publish via video services such as YouTube and Vimeo, you need to be aware that you are typically expected to have obtained all the necessary permissions regarding content. At the same time, you might waive certain rights when you publish on commercial platforms. Therefore, please read the terms and conditions carefully before using such services.