Aarhus University Seal

Video and sound

When using video clips in lectures, you need to be aware of both the Copyright Act, the Personal Data Act and the terms and conditions that apply to the video service that you are using.

Commercial Films and Series 

You may only show entire feature films or series episodes in an educational setting if you have permission from the copyright holders. However, you are allowed to show short clips under the citation right in the Danish Copyright Act. In such cases, always remember to cite the source correctly.  

See the special rules that apply to radio, TV, and commercials

Freely available videos and audio recordings

If you show, embed or link to videos or audio recordings made by others, you must ensure: 

  • that the content of the video or audio recording is legal 

  • that the creator has authorized the publication and free use of the video or audio recording 

  • that it is permitted to embed the video or audio recording according to the terms of the platform that you are linking to (as is the case, for example, on YouTube). 

Whichever method you use, you must always remember to indicate the source. 

Your own videos and audio recordings 

If you wish to publish a video or an audio recording you have produced yourself, you need to be aware of both the Personal Data Act, the Danish Copyright Act and the Danish web content accessibility act: 

The Personal Data Act 
  • The Personal Data Act applies when it is possible to recognize persons based on the information provided in the material. Thus, images, videos, voice recordings or any other form of personal data, require the consent of the person involved before you can make them available on the Internet or use them in other contexts. 

  • If you have made a recording of a teaching situation, then any student who has actively participated in the video or audio recording with a contribution must give their permission before you can publish it.  Please note that this is not necessary if the recording is only available in closed courses in Brightspace.    

  • Some video recordings demand so-called informed consent (e.g. recordings of patients): in such cases you must give those appearing in the video comprehensive information on how the video will be used (and you cannot subsequently use the video in other contexts than those for which consent has been granted). 

  • Recordings of children require parental consent. 
    The safest method of obtaining consent would be to have it in writing. But written consents can also be withdrawn. In such cases, you must remove the video or audio recording from the platform on which it has been uploaded. 

  • Read more about data protection on Aarhus University's website.

The Danish Copyright Act

  • The Danish Copyright Act applies if you use other people's images, text, speech, music or other materials within the video or audio recording. These require separate, individual permissions.
  • If the recording is only available in closed courses in Brightspace you are permitted to use text or images that are covered by either the Copydan agreements or AU Library's licence agreements in your video without asking permission.
The Danish web content accessibility act 
  • The Danish web content accessibility act has specific requirements for videos or audio recording that are available on public websites.
  • For example subtitles have to be part of the video to accommodate students with handicaps. Read more about the Danish web content accessibility act.  

Publishing channels

Internal publishing channels

If you use Panopto, AU’s video platform, you can use content covered by AU’s Copydan or license agreements without asking for permission.

External publishing channels

When you publish via video services such as YouTube and Vimeo, you need to be aware that you are typically expected to have obtained all the necessary permissions regarding content. At the same time, you might waive certain rights when you publish on commercial platforms. Therefore, please read the terms and conditions carefully before using such services.