Finding relevant course material online can be quick and easy, but it can be much more difficult to assess whether or not you may share this material with your students. The main rules are:
Linking directly to journal articles, newspaper articles and e-books is permitted when the content has been made freely available legally or AU Library has purchased access to the material. See how you can ensure that your links also work from home.
If you have downloaded material from a database, an e-journal or an e-book that you only have access to because you are employed at AU, then it is AU Library's licence agreement with the relevant publisher which determines what you are permitted to do with the material:
You are not allowed to share newspaper articles from Mediestream (Danish articles older than 100 years) or Infomedia (Danish articles from the 1990s onwards) digitally. You are allowed to link to content in the databases, however.
Please make sure that links to Infomedia content contain both the library proxylink and the article’s 8-character Infomedia ID number. Eg.:
We recommend that you access Infomedia through the library system, before you copy the direct link to the article.
Freely available material on the Internet, e.g. websites, newspaper articles, reports or Open Access articles, is also protected by copyright. You may, however, share such material with your students if the rights holder has clearly stated that file sharing is permitted via a Creative Commons license or via a note in the document, or on the website.
In addition Aarhus University's Copydan agreement [Copydan Writing] permits the posting of such material on Brightspace, albeit with the following limitations:
With webpages the 20% is calculated from the total number of webpages on the website. This might be difficult to determine, but as a rule of thumb, you may print or upload the equivalent to 50 printed pages.
For freely accessible newspaper articles the 20% must be calculated from the total number of pages in a year's volume.
If the material you would like to share exceeds the Copydan limits, then link to it instead.
Whether you link to or upload material, always remember to acknowledge the source: Title, author and publisher.