Aarhus University has entered into three agreements with Copydan - one for text, one for images and one for AV material.
Aarhus University's agreement with Copydan Writing - - including the additional agreement regarding newspaper articles (in Danish) - allows you to copy, print and scan text material for teaching purposes. The agreement applies to both Danish and foreign publications, whether they are published in printed or electronic form (but see exceptions below).
Exceptions: the following publications are not covered by the Copydan Writing agreement.
The library is not involved in the reporting of materials to Copydan. Instead, please contact your departmental secretariat.
You do not need to report the following materials:
Aarhus University's agreement with VISDA (formerly known as Copydan Visual) makes it possible to use images (e.g., paintings, drawings, photographs, illustrations, figures, and graphs) in your teaching. The agreement covers both printed standalone pictures, (i.e. pictures that are not used together with a text), and digital images freely available on the Internet. The Agreement has been extended indefinitely. The Agreement gives you the possibility to:
Read more on the use of images in teaching.
Aarhus University's agreement with Copydan (electronic media) (AVU Medier) gives you the possibility to make use of radio and television broadcasts, as well as adverts in teaching.
You can either stream broadcasts directly from Mediestream or bring your own recordings to your classes.
Read more about the use of radio and television broadcasts in your teaching.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the liaison librarian associated with your field, who will be happy to assist you with your questions.
Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact your local library in AU Library.