When writing a PhD thesis there are several copyright regulations that you need to be aware of. Only the person or persons who hold the copyright to a work are allowed to share it with others.
In general, you (and any co-authors) hold the copyright to the articles and books that you have written, but you may have transferred parts of the copyright to a publisher for the purpose of publication.
Many PhD theses contain three different elements, each with its own copyright considerations:
As a PhD student you hold the copyright to the text.
In many cases parts of the copyright have been transferred to a publisher, who has the exclusive right to publish and distribute the article.
You (and any co-authors) hold the copyright.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the liaison librarian associated with your field, who will be happy to assist you with your questions.
Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact your local library in AU Library.