Aarhus University Seal

Spiral binding machines at AU Library

Get your assignments spiral bound

If you need to fasten a larger assignment together in a smarter, more presentable way, AU Library can help you with that. Below you can see the locations at AU Library that can offer help in connection with binding together your assignments with a spiral spine.

Det Kgl. Bibliotek - Aarhus

  • Number: A machine for inserting a spiral spine.
  • Location: The machine is located by the printers on the first floor, to the right as you go up the stairs.
  • Guide: Front and back pages, and the coils themselves, can be purchased from the Information Desk. The staff at the service center can help with the binding.



  • Number: Two machines for inserting a spiral spine.
  • Location: One machine is located on the first floor next to the library staff desk. The other is located Finlandsgade 22, in the Kahn building 5126 - room 127 next to the Xerox printer.
  • Guide: Bring your own spiral spine, front and back page. Ask the library staff if you need help with the binding.