If you need peace to work, you can make use of AU Library's quiet study places. Read more on the local guidelines for the use of quiet study seats at the individual library - or in the rooms themselves.
Det Kgl. Bibliotek - Aarhus
Number: 156
Location: In the reading room and in Study Zone East on the first floor.
Note: The seats are available during Det Kgl. Bibliotek - Aarhus' opening hours, and cannot be booked in advance.
Birk Centerpark
Number: 6 seats
Fuglesangs Allé
Number: 60 individual quiet study seats.
Location: Building 2625 (F-wing).
Number: 15
Location: Shielded quiet study seats area on the first floor in continuation of the library, next to the library offices, building 5335, room 170B-178.
Note: Noise must be expected, as the study seats are not in a closed room. The study seats cannot be booked.
Number: 39
Location: Building 4231, room 112. The reading room is located next to the library.
Note: The study seats cannot be booked - they operate on an ad hoc basis.
Nobel Park
Number: Approx. 200
Lending time: You cannot reserve study seats.
Location: Building 1461 and 1463 - distributed throughout both buildings.
Number: 99
Location: Victor Albeck Building.
59 study seats in the reading room on the first floor.
32 study seats in the reading room in the basement.
8 study seats in the small reading room in the basement.
Note: The seats cannot be booked in advance. Mobile phones must be on silent. Access to the reading rooms in the basement requires a key card (the same as for the building itself).