Aarhus University Seal

Newspapers at AU Library

Read today's newspapers

At the libraries in AU Library you will find a number of Danish and foreign newspapers in paper format. Which newspapers are available varies from library to library. Read more on which newspapers AU Library provides electronic access to.

Det Kgl. Bibliotek - Aarhus

  • Newspapers: Det Kgl. Bibliotek - Aarhus holds a wide variety of daily newspapers. See a complete list of all the available newspapers.
  • Lending time: Unlimited, but papers must be read at the location and must not be removed from the Det Kgl. Bibliotek - Aarhus.
  • Location: You will find the newspapers in the main entrance hall by the canteen area.

Bartholins Allé

  • Newspapers: Berlingske, Information, Jyllands-posten, Kristeligt Dagblad, Politiken and Weekendavisen.
  • Lending time: Unlimited, but you can only use the newspapers in the library.
  • Location: All the newspapers can be found at the Information Desk on the first floor. Entrance from building 1350.

Campus Emdrup

  • Newspapers: Only Danish newpapers.  Berlingske Tidende, Information (including the Saturday edition), Jyllandsposten, Politiken, Weekend-Avisen.
  • Lending time: Unlimited, but the newspapers must not be removed from the library.
  • Location: The newspapers are kept for one week, and can be found on the shelf in the "Cave" outside the thesis study seats.

Fuglesangs Allé

  • Newspapers: The Library subscribes to a number of different, selected newspapers, the day's selection can therefore vary.
  • Lending time: Unlimited, but the newspapers must not be removed from the library.
  • Location: The day’s newspapers can be found next to the information desk.

Birk Centerpark

  • Newspapers: Berlingske, Jyllands-posten.
  • Lending time: Unlimited, but you can only use the newspapers in the library.
  • Location: You can find the newspapers in the library.


  • Newspapers: Politiken.
  • Lending time: Unlimited, but the newspaper must not be removed from the library.
  • Location: You can find the newspaper in the library.