Aarhus Universitets segl

Practical information about The 12 Nordic Law Libraries Conference

Find your way to Aarhus

By train

From Aarhus Central Station, there will be a return trip to Copenhagen once an hour (a 3 hour train ride), and there are several daily departures to Sweden, Germany and the rest of Europe. 

By plane

Aarhus Airport and Copenhagen Airport are connected by several daily departures on weekdays and a few departures on Saturday and Sunday.

The journey takes 35 minutes.

There is a direct train connection between Copenhagen Airport and Aarhus (3 hours).

From Aarhus Airport, which is 40 km north of Aarhus, there is a direct flight to Oslo, Stockholm and Gothenburg.

From Billund Airport, which is 100 km south of Aarhus, there is a direct flight to Oslo, Stockholm, Gothenburg, the Faroe Islands, Stavanger and Bergen.

Airport bus

There are airport busses to Aarhus from both Aarhus Airport and Billund Airport.
The travel time from Aarhus Airport to the centre of Aarhus is approximately 50 minutes (a single ticket costs DKK 100) and from Billund Airport to Aarhus approximately 1.5 hours (one ticket DKK 180).
Tickets can be purchased on boarding.

It is also possible to take a taxi (approximately DKK 500 from Aarhus Airport and DKK 1,150 from Billund Airport).


Where to stay?

Aarhus offers a wide range of hotels at different price ranges:

For other options: Visit Aarhus.  

Conference venue

Primary venue

Aarhus University Conference Center,
Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, ”Hornung Stuen”,
8000 Aarhus C.  


Aros Allé 2,
8000 Aarhus C

Conference dinner

"Det glade vanvid",
Pakkerivej 2,
8000 Aarhus C  

Contact the planning committee

Planning committee 2022: 

  • Bo Søgaard Jensen: bsj@kb.dk  
  • Marianne Tind Kristensen: mtkr@kb.dk  
  • Inger Barnechow: ibha@kb.dk  
  • Solveig Sandal Johnsen: ssjo@kb.dk  
  • Henrik Tvermoes: hetv@kb.dk  
  • Trine F. Søndergaard: tfs@kb.dk