Aarhus University Seal

How can you publish and share your data?

Here you can find a number of tools and platforms for publishing, collaboration and sharing your data. There are also examples of licenses for your data.
A license informs other people what they may or may not do with your data.

FileSender - a tool for sharing large files

  • FileSender is a tool for sending files that are too large to be attached to an email. Log in via filesender.deic.dk using your WAYF login and upload your file:
    • Select recipient(s)
    • Press Send
    • The recipient will receive an email with a link for downloading the file
  • It is also possible to send a so-called "upload voucher", which enables you to receive files from others. Uploading may take several minutes, depending on your internet connection
  • Read more about the FileSender service

GitHub - an open source collaboration platform

  • GitHub is an open source collaboration platform for researchers, which was originally established for sharing and developing software
  • GitHub offers both free and paid services
  • Free storage up to 500 MB
  • Read more about GitHub

Interactive HPC – also known as UCloud

DeiC Interactive HPC is a national super computer, which is run by AAU, AU, and SDU. The super computer is also referred to as UCloud, since it is operated by the UCloud system, which is an Open Source HPC system developed by SDU.

UCloud is designed to support the researchers’ needs for computing power and data management, and it has a user friendly and intuitive graphical user interface.

The platform includes different applications and programs, which you can adjust and use as required for e.g. data analysis or simulations. Ucloud can be scaled up for use with large datasets and complex simulations, and scaled down for situations where you need to use a technical program that is difficult to install on your own laptop.

Read more about the different possibilities offered by UCloud.

Open Science Framework – an open source platform

  • The Open Science Framework (OSF) is a free, open-source collaboration platform for researchers
  • Here you can share publications, data and ongoing research projects
  • Individual files up to 5 GB can be stored in OSF Storage which uses Google Cloud
  • For larger data volumes, the OSF collaborates with a number of repositories, including GitHub, Dataverse and Figshare
  • Read more about the Open Science Framework

Journal Publishers - collaborations with selected repositories

Licenses - examples of data licenses

Creative Commons 

GNU General Public License 

MIT License 

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the liaison librarian associated with your field, who will be happy to assist you with your questions.

Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact your local library.