Aarhus University Seal

Tools for data analysis

Here you can find some examples of free applications which are suitable for analysing different data types. Employees at Aarhus University are able to buy licences for various analysis programs through AU's IT webshop.

OpenRefine – a data cleaning tool

  • OpenRefine is a tool for cleaning data
  • The application makes it easy to create an overview of and clean up messy datasets in which row and column names have been used inconsistently
  • By using various filters the application can transform text data into a format that makes them more suitable for further analysis
  • OpenRefine can also be used to enrich datasets with metadata such as language and geography through external APIs
  • AU Library provides assistance to get started with OpenRefine 
  • Read more about OpenRefine

Python – a programming language

  • Python is a programming language with a range of applications
  • Python can be used for collecting, cleaning, analysing and visualising data
  • Python can be used to automate recurring tasks
  • Python is free open-source software with expansion packages available for all sorts of purposes
  • AU Library provides assistance in getting started with Python
  • Read more about Python

Get started with Python

R and Rstudio – a programming language

  • R is a programming language and environment for statistical data processing and graphics
  • R can be expanded with application packages for specialist tasks such as analysing and visualising different data types
  • RStudio is an integrated development environment which makes it easier to work in R
  • R can be run on different UNIX platforms and similar systems as well as on Windows and MacOS operating systems
  • R is freely available within the Free Software Foundations’s GNU General Public License
  • AU Library provides assistance getting started with R and RStudio
  • Read more about R and RStudio

Get started with R

VOSviewer - a visualisation tool

  • VOSviewer is a visualisation tool that can shed light on connections in bibliographic and textual data
  • Based on scientific articles, the programme can visualise networks of citations, co-citations and bibliographical couplings
  • VOSviewer can also be used to extract subject terms and key concepts within specific subject areas
  • AU Library provides assistance getting started with VOSviewer
  • Read more about VOSviewer

Get started with VOSviewer 

Need help?

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the liaison librarian associated with your field, who will be happy to assist you with your questions.

Alternatively, you are always welcome to contact your local library.