Aarhus University Seal

Collect and return material

Useful information about pick-up locations, returns, recalls, renewals, etc.

Useful information when picking up reserved material

When will the material be available?

  • You will receive an email when your material is ready for pick up. The email includes a deadline for collecting the material. This deadline cannot be changed.

Collecting reserved material

  • When the material is ready for pick up it will be placed on the pick up shelf for you. Please note that you will receive a mail with the deadline for pick up. After deadline the material will be removed and will no longer be reserved for you.

Pick-up location

  • You can choose which library you would like to collect the material from when you make the reservation. AU Library has a number of libraries distributed across the campus. Read more about loan rules.

Useful information when returning material


  • 3 days before your loan period expires you will receive a reminder to return the material on time.

Renewal of loans

  • A loan can, unfortunately, not be renewed if another user has reserved the material, and will therefore need to be returned.

Returning material

  • You can return all material borrowed via AU Library to any one our libraries - regardless of where you originally collected the material.


See all the different libraries across Aarhus University, and decide for yourself the best place to collect your reserved books.

Opening hours

See the opening hours at the individual libraries, so that you know precisely when it will be possible to collect your reservations.

Access from home

Our electronic resources can often be accessed from home if you log in and find them via AU Library's search system. 


If the article is not online, then we will scan it and send it to you. Some articles, however, may need to be printed via the library's print facilities - depending on the license we have to the material. You will receive an email about how you can obtain your article.