Aarhus University Seal

Suggest a title

Suggest books for purchase

Do you have any suggestion for books that you think the library should buy?

Make your suggestion by choosing the faculty you are affiliated with at Aarhus University:

What happens when I have suggested a title?

You will typically receive a response within five business days when you have suggested a book for purchase:

  • E-books can often be accessed after a few days
  • Printed books have a longer acquisition time

Suggest journals and databases for purchase

Do you have any suggestions for journals and databases that you think the library should buy?

Send your proposal to kbforslag@kb.dk with an academic reason for the purchase.

What happens when I have suggested a title?

You will receive a preliminary response saying that we have received your suggestion. Suggestions for the purchase of e-journals and databases have a long processing time. We only make decisions to purchase these types of resources once a year. There is no extra funding available for the ongoing purchase of subscriptions and licenses in the university's budget framework for the Royal Danish Library:

  • We will consider suggestions together during the spring
  • We will purchase accepted suggestions during the autumn
  • We will activate the resources acquired at the beginning of the new year

Trouble finding what you were looking for?

Need material you cannot find on library.au.dk or on bibliotek.dk, then order it online. We will borrow it from another library or purchase it.