Aarhus University Seal
  • AU Library

Ny Munkegade

About AU Library, Ny Munkegade

AU Library, Ny Munkegade covers the subjects biology, ecoscience, environmental science, geology, geology physics, technical geology, physics, astronomy, iNANO, science studies, chemistry, didactics, medicine history and mathematics.

You can search for resources in the library database, which is a joint search engine for all libraries at AU Library (including Det Kgl. Bibliotek - Aarhus). You can filter your results so that only the resources and materials located at AU Library, Ny Munkegade are shown.

Special services

If AU Library, Ny Munkegade does not have a specific book you need, please feel free to suggest that we buy it:


AU Library, Ny Munkegade
Ny Munkegade 118, Building 1536, 2. floor.
DK-8000 Aarhus C 


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