Aarhus University Seal


  • Information about copyright while studying

Do you know whether you are allowed to share, copy or scan texts and images? And what can others do with your work or notes? If not - read more on these pages or contact your local AU library.

Photocopying and scanning for your own private use

There is a difference between photocopying and scanning material. You can read here what is allowed.

Sharing material with other students

It is easy to share material, but it is not always allowed. It all depends on how you share the material. Learn how to legally share material.

Citation or plagiarism

The line between citation and plagiarism can be difficult to gage. Find more information on citation and plagiarism.

How can others use your work?

Assignments that you have worked on yourself are also subject to copyright. Therefore, there are a number of things you need to be aware of when others would like to make use of your work, or when you make your work public. 

Radio, tv and commercials

Through Mediestream you can find radio, television and commercial broadcasts. But how can you use them in your studies?

Using images

It is easy to find images on the Internet for your assignments, but there are a number of rules for the use of images which you need to be aware of.

Recording lectures

If you would like to record a lecture and share the footage with others, then you will need your lecturer's permission.


More about copyright

Do you want to know more about copyright?

Train your copyright skills

“Train your copyright skills” consists of 3 online resources, each of which sharpens your knowledge and awareness of copyright.