Aarhus University Seal

Sharing material


As a student, you have access to a number of databases, e-journals and e-books. You may send a direct link to, for example, an article from one of the university’s e-journals, to your fellow students. Read more on how to make links. You may also link to material that is legally, publicly available on the Internet. 

Photocopying and scanning

Private individuals (including students) can:

  • Photocopy from printed works for private use.
  • Photocopy for a study buddy. But not for anyone else. 
  • Digitally copy (scan) from the library’s printed works. Please note the following restrictions: Digital copying of printed works is permitted as long as it takes place in the library, and as long as you only use the digital copies for personal use, e.g. to pursue your own personal interests. If you want to digitally copy curriculum or supplementary literature for your studies, the limit is 20% of a printed work, but no more than 50 pages from one work. You are welcome to send digital copies to your own email address, but you cannot forward to or share them with others outside your own household.    

PDFs you have downloaded from AU Library's website

If you have downloaded material from a database, an e-journal or an e-book, which you only have access to via AU Library, you must be aware of the licensing agreement that exists between the publisher and AU Library. Some publishers allow you to share content via Brightspace. 

If the material is not published by a publisher who allows sharing, according to the list, then you may not share it via Brightspace or distribute it by any means.

Remember you must always specify the source, whether you link, scan or upload material to Brightspace.

Uploading to social media

Many use social media platforms, such as Facebook, as a method of sharing and uploading teaching materials related to study. This might, for example, be articles, etc., which you have access to through the agreements that apply to Aarhus University.

It is often a violation of copyright law to share material through Facebook. This applies even if the audience is a closed group. On the other hand it is usually legal to share material on Brightspace, as long as you follow the rules that we have outlined above.