Aarhus University Seal

Master's theses

Master's theses in Law, Psychology and Political Science

Aarhus University Library, School of Business and Social Sciences, Bartholins Allé records and stores all theses written in the subjects: Law, Psychology and Political Science.

How to search for theses in the library database

You can search for theses in the library database and see where they are located or download them. You can search by author, title, subject and department. Specific search guide can be found at subject guides for Law, Psychology and Political Science.

What theses are for loan or downloadable?

Not all theses are publicly available, as there may be confidential information etc., which can lead the author to choose not to lend the thesis.

In special situations, AU employees may be permitted to access theses that are not publicly available.

At Bartholins Allé all publicly available theses are placed on floor 0 (basement). The theses are no longer received in printed form, but in electronic form for download.

The following theses are available:

  • Law: 1993-2010 in printed format, 2011 -> available electronically.
  • Political Science: 1963-2007 in printed format, 2008 -> available electronically.
  • Psychology: 2007-2010 is in printed format, 2011 -> available electronically.

You can only access the electronic theses if you are on Campus.