Aarhus University Seal

How to find the library materials

Where can you find the books at Bartholins Allé?


Books within Political Science and Psychology are placed in building 1351 on the ground floor, and books within Law are placed on the 2nd floor.

The fields of Law, Political Science, and Psychology each have their own classification system for shelving of books:

All the library's books are listed in the library database, including information on availability and location.


Please refer to the library database to get a list of journals held by the library. The list will state whether we subscribe to electronic or the hard-copy versions. You must search for the name of the journal (not the title of the paper) by entering "the journal title" in quotation marks in the box to get the most exact search result.


The library's collection of psychological tests are available exclusively for employees of the Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, and under special circumstances to students. The collection is not recorded in the library database.
Please contact the staff if you are interested in this material.


The library's collection of psychological videos are only for use at the library. The collection is currently not recorded in the library database.
Please contact the staff if you are interested in this material.